


人为失误周期是指操作人员在飞行安全期间发生事故的主要原因。人为错误是指在飞行过程中主要由于操作者的行为或不作为而发生的可预防的错误(Kelly, 2013)。仅在北美就有60%到80%的商业航空事故与人为失误有关(Shappell & Wiegmann, 2004)。在许多情况下,如赫利奥斯航空公司的522航班,科玛航空公司的5191航班,发现事故主要是由于人为失误。目前仍在努力将人为失误降至最低限度。造成航空事故的下一个问题是由于社会技术时期。在社会技术时期,许多事故被发现是人类和技术系统之间失败交互的结果(Kelly, 2013)。

就亚洲航空公司214航班而言,在飞机的技术方面和人为失误之间存在协调问题。这是社会技术时期航空安全的一个例子。这次事故显示了飞行员在高度自动化驾驶舱内能力的不足(Chow, Yortsos, & Meshkati, 2014)。通过解决这一关切,可以确定事故是可以预防的。在所有这些例子中,都表明事故是由于机械或个人的故障。尽管如此,在处理这些航空安全问题的过程中仍存在复杂的启发。随着航空系统的发展,个体组织因素在很大程度上被忽略(Kelly, 2013)。


The period of human errors refers to the period of aviation safety when operators, errors are major causes of incidents. Human error refers to the preventable error that has primarily occurred due to the action or inaction of the operator during the duration of the flight (Kelly, 2013). In North American alone 60% to 80% of the reported commercial aviation accidents were related to human errors (Shappell & Wiegmann, 2004). In many cases, such as Helios Airways Flight 522, Comair Flight 5191, it was found that the accident was primarily due to human error. There are still efforts undertaken to prevent human error to a minimum. The next issue that causes aviation accidents was due to the socio-technical period.In the socio-technical period, many accidents were found to be the results of failed interaction between human and technical systems (Kelly, 2013).

In the case of Asians Airlines Flight 214, there were coordination issues between the technical aspects of the plane and the human error. This is an example for the aviation safety in the socio-technical period. This accident shows weakness of the pilots’ capability in a highly automating cockpit (Chow, Yortsos, & Meshkati, 2014). It was identified by addressing this concern that the accidents could be prevented. In all these examples, it has been denoted that the accidents were either due to the failure of mechanics or individuals. Nevertheless, there is complex heuristics in process while addressing these issues of aviation safety. With the development of aviation system, the individual organizational factors were largely ignored (Kelly, 2013).



