


在东南亚众多的内部争端中,泰柬边界问题是这个时代的热点问题之一。泰国和柬埔寨是该区域的地理邻国。这两个国家共有798公里长的边界(西尔弗曼,2011)。沿着这条边界,有一座名为“柏威夏”(Preah Vihear)的寺庙。主要争议围绕着这座寺庙的所有权。这一争端在该地区有着根深蒂固的历史。2011年最近的暴力活动就发生在这个问题上,当时两支部队都用交火来交换其所有权(Silverman, 2011)。目前两国之间的政治和外交紧张局势很可能在目前和将来提出这个问题。泰国和柬埔寨是东盟成员国。解决成员国间的问题和争端是东盟的核心原则。本组织的这一原则以不使用武力而为人所知。
但由于政治压力和僵化,东盟至今未能解决两国之间的争端。边界这一重大问题也有可能在东南亚地区引发和引发许多令人不安的问题。在缅甸,政府军和某些少数民族之间经常发生冲突。与缅甸军方交战的暴力少数民族目前居住在边境难民营。这些少数民族对缅甸和其他地理上毗邻的国家构成越来越大的安全威胁。到目前为止,泰国和印度一直面临着难民问题。尤其是泰国,大量涌入的缅甸难民不仅在泰国造成了经济和政治动荡,而且某些其他问题正在泰国扎根(Brees, 2008)。难民的大量涌入也增加了人口和毒品贩运、走私和非法进出口问题以及重大疾病的转移。由于缅甸难民使两国政治关系恶化,泰国正面临着社会和经济问题。


Among many internal disputes of Southeast Asia, Thai-Cambodian border issue is one of the scorching issues in this era. Thailand and Cambodia are geographical neighbours of the region. These two countries share a 798 kilo meters long border (Silverman, 2011). Along this border a temple named ‘Preah Vihear’ resides. The main dispute revolves around the ownership of this temple. This dispute has a rooted history in this region. The recent violent activities 2011 occurred on this issue when both the troops exchanged fire wars for its ownership (Silverman, 2011). The current political and diplomatic tensions between the two countries are likely to raise the issue presently and in future. Thailand and Cambodia are members of ASEAN. It is the core principle of ASEAN to resolve issues and disputes among member countries. This principle of the organization is known by non-use of force.
But ASEAN is yet fail in resolving this dispute between the countries due to political pressure and rigidity. The major issue of border is also likely to initiate and cause numerous unsettling issues within the Southeast Asian region.In Myanmar, there are frequent clashes between state’s military troops and certain ethnic groups. The violent ethnic groups who engage in fight with military of Myanmar are living in refugee camps on borderline. These ethnic groups pose increased security threat to Myanmar and other geographically bordered countries. Thailand and India have been facing the refugee problem so far. Thailand, especially, a high inflow of Myanmar refugees which is not only creating economic and political turbulence in Thailand but certain other problems is finding their roots in Thailand (Brees, 2008). The heavy inflow of the refugees is also increasing the rate of human and drug trafficking, smuggling and illegal import and export issues and transfer of major diseases. Thailand is facing social as well as economic trouble due to Myanmar refugees which is worsening the political relations between the two countries.



