







In Lincolnshire, the transport system still has not have developed so in comparison with the other cities of UK. The local transportation system, as stated by Popovic et al. is also not very much intricate. The road transport system, being not improved so much, often the trucks let to be stranded in the traffic. Having no availability of the alternative routes in the road transport system, often it seems that the products get rotten in the transporting vans. The Lincolnshire is the only state in UK that does not have the proper motor way (Dumas et al.). The railway transportation system has also received any privilege which causes delay in transporting Lettuce from firms of Lincolnshire to the market (Dumas et al.). On the other hand, the city does not have any individual airport which does not let the products to be marketized quickly and fresh products cannot be served properly which let the market of Lettuce of Lincolnshire to be denounced.

Though there are several strategies have been adapted for an intense development of this city. Uncertainty in several areas has been removed by a number and a bulk amount of funding has been confirmed for the transport development (Popovic et al.).

Apart from that packaging of the product is very much necessary while letting the product to be marketed. Often it seems that the packaging is not conducted properly which results in spoiling and rotting products. As in most of the firms the packaging is done manually this leads to this severe problem which instigates in a huge financial lose.

In a large aspect the packing of the product has not developed so much in Lincolnshire. In most of the firms, the traditional system of packaging is used, where in the other states, more mechanized system is being used which protects the products not to be air transfused. But having so such technology is in use at Lincolnshire, the products face distortion effect.



