


根据《商业词典》,CSR是企业为了通过经营活动来评估其对公共领域和社会的责任感而采取的一种判断过程。几乎与CSR相似,CSR报告也是一个灵活的方面。企业社会责任报告提高了组织的创新能力、愿景、价值观和个性。在竞争的时代,企业社会责任报告通过识别重大问题、风险和改进的机会,帮助组织进行有效的决策过程(Karnani, 2007, p.110)。例如,全球最大的电子公司之一飞利浦,利用其整合的CSR报告,关注公司正在经历的变化、研发能力、利益相关者参与的重要性和可持续性。报告是一项崇高的任务,需要在时间和资源的投入方面取得平衡。以下五个特点使一个公司能够提高他们的企业责任,不管他们是一个经验丰富的公司还是一个刚刚起步的公司。可信度:企业社会责任报告提高公司透明度的值的可信度和准确性。设定清晰可衡量的目标是一种激励和鼓励。

开放的论坛和讨论使各组织认识到信誉、标准和成就的领域以及所需的修正(Prado et al. 2009)。相关性:企业社会责任报告使每一个组织来识别相关问题并相应开展其业务。这一进程涉及具体说明社会和环境问题,并辅以具体和周密规划的战略。真实性:审议的草案报告增强了企业社会责任报告的真实性。它加强了组织和利益相关者之间的联系。它决定了投资由一个组织由于其能力和营销活动(Gjølberg,2009)。消化:多年来,已经有了明显的进步企业社会责任报告由于其质量和数量。这份报告已成为每一个组织的实际需要,以便它能够为改进工作作出必要的修正。自90年代成立以来,它已经走过了漫长的道路。如今,全球最大的公司中有95%以上使用CSR报告来判断其运营。


According to Business Dictionary, CSR is a process of judgment adopted by a company in order to assess its sense of responsibility towards the public domain and society through its operations. Almost similar to CSR, CSR reporting is also a flexible aspect. CSR Reporting enhances the creative ability, vision, values and personality of an organization. In an age of competition, CSR report acts as an aid to an organization as it helps in an effective decision-making process through the identification of the material issues, risks, and opportunities for improvement (Karnani, 2007, p.110). For instance, Philips, one of the largest electronic Companies, uses its integrated CSR report in order to focus on the changes that the Company is going through, its research and development capabilities, the importance of stakeholders’ involvement and the sustainability.Reporting is a noble task which requires a balance in the investment of time and resources. The following five characteristics enable a company to improve their corporate responsibility, irrespective of the fact that they are an experienced company or a start-up company.Credibility:CSR reports boost up the credibility of the companies through the values of transparency and accuracy. Setting clear and measurable goals act as a motivation and encouragement.

Open forums and discussions make the organizations aware of the credibility, standards and the areas of achievements and the amendments needed (Prado et al. 2009). Relevancy:CSR reporting enables the each and every organization to identify the relevant issues and carry out its operations accordingly. This process involves the specification of the social and environmental issues accompanied by its materialized and well-planned strategy.Authenticity:Review of the draft of the report enhances the authenticity of the CSR report. It strengthens the bond between the organization and the stakeholders. It dictates the investment made by an organization owing to its competency and marketing initiatives (Gjølberg, 2009). Digestible:Over the years, there has been a noticeable progress in the CSR reporting owing to its quality and quantity. This report has become a practical necessity for each and every organization so that it can make necessary amendments for its betterment. It has come a long way since its initiation in the 90s. Today more than 95% of the largest global companies use the CSR report to judge their operations.



