


从根本上讲,从伦理的角度来看,要解决任何貌似合理的伦理问题,都需要观察许多问题。从伦理的角度来看,以科学的名义虐待动物不能证明任何结果是正当的。目的不等于手段正当。动物和人类有不同的功能器官系统。这一体系可能存在一定的相似性,但也存在一定的不容置疑的差异。动物试验的一些程序涉及侵入性协议。他们被注射未经授权的化学物质,他们的反应被记录下来。这些动物被关在笼子里,他们的生活质量受到这个过程的影响,因为他们被迫屈服于酷刑(Shaw & Barry, 2015)。科学家提出的证据是,动物实验已经导致了一系列深刻的发现,并使他们能够找到许多疾病的治疗方法。
他们说这些程序是有保证的,对人类的好处超过了任何可能的限制。从伦理的角度来看,为了人类的自我保护而折磨动物并不符合任何伦理立场。然而,有人认为这些药物最终会导致人类的安全。它们将在下一节中进行解释。科学家们认为动物实验带来了许多重要的知识。它使人们了解药物的不同副作用。这使得人们对药物的影响有了更多的了解。在这个过程中,许多拯救生命的药物被开发用于动物和人类(Singer, 2015)。科学界的观点是,药物测试可以获得重要的知识,所有人和动物最终都会从这个过程中受益。


Fundamentally from an ethical standpoint many issues need to be observed in order to address any plausible ethical issues. From an ethical standpoint the torture of animals in the name of science does not justify any results. The end does not justify the means. Animals and humans have different functioning organ systems. There could be certain similarities, however certain irrefutable differences also are found to exist in this system. Some of the procedures for animal testing involve invasive protocols. They are injected with unwarranted chemicals and their reactions are documented. The animals are held in captivity and their quality of life is affected by this process as they are forced to succumb towards torture (Shaw & Barry, 2015). The evidence that the scientific proposes is that animal testing has lead to a number of profound discoveries and enabled them to find cure for many ailments.
hey state that these procedures are warranted and the benefits to humans overweigh any possible limitations. From an ethical standpoint torturing animals for self-preservation of humans do not meet any ethical standpoints. However there is argument made that these drugs leads to eventual safety of mankind. They are explained in the following section. Scientists argue that animal testing leads to a number of significant knowledge. It enables the people to learn about the different side effects of the drugs. This leads to more comprehension of the impact of the medicines. Many life saving drugs are developed for the animals as well as humans in the process (Singer, 2015). The argument that is made from the scientific community is that drug testing leads to gain of significant knowledge and all the people and animals are eventually benefitted from this process.



