

本文主要是讲动脉穿刺和心脏骤停的问题,在动脉穿刺的情况下,必须在进行动脉穿刺的部位使用沙袋,这可能有助于减少出血。护士必须意识到这种发展(谢尔登,2001)。此外,神经血管状态和周围脉搏需要护士持续监测。护士还必须密切观察病人的活动,尽量减少活动,以消除血肿或血栓形成的机会。一般建议患者服用液体,以减少对肾脏的毒性,因此,在PCI术后护理交付过程中,护士还必须检查患者的饮食习惯(Pearson, 2015)。心搏停止的病例在这种模式中也很普遍。这些问题需要解决。本篇英国论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In cases of arterial puncture sandbag must be used in the site where arterial puncture was made may prove beneficial to reducing bleeding. The nurses must be aware of this development (Sheldon, 2001). In addition, the neurovascular status and the peripheral pulses need to be constantly monitored by the nurses. The nurses must also have a close observation to movements of the patient, which needs to be minimized to eradicate the chances of hematoma or thrombus formation. Patients are generally advised to take fluid in order to reduce the chances of toxicity to the kidneys, and thus, the nurses must also keep a check on the eating habits of the patients in the post PCI care delivery process (Pearson, 2015). The cases of cardiac arrest are also prevalent in this schema. These needs to be addressed.
In the research conducted by Lui (2016), it was revealed that out of 8 deaths in Hong Kong, at least 1 is caused due to cardiac arrest. Notably, the rate of ischaemic heart disease is more prevalent among the adults and the young as compared to other age groups (Chau et al., 2013). Emphasizing the issue, Yap et al. (2007) opined that the chances of survival of the patients after the cardiac treatment have increased since the 1990s in Hong Kong. In justification to this statement, Yap et al. (2007) refers to a survey conducted between January 2002 and December 2005, revealing that out of 166 patients suffering from cardiac problems, only 13 survived. The findings thus obtained posed serious questions to the efficiency of the care giving process during and after PCI treatment to patients in Hong Kong.
Chung & Wong (2005) further argued that delayed arrival of ambulance services and inadequate infrastructures in hospitals are among the primary reasons for death of the patients in the emergency wards in Hong Kong. With concern to these aspects, Leung & Siu (2017) noted that advanced care process is required for patients before and after PCI treatments in hospitals. Especially, it is necessary to the resuscitation process at the right time to PCI patients, besides providing facilities of automated external defibrillator and electrocardiogram strips (Leung & Siu, 2017). Professionals have been arguing that the quality of cardiac treatments, such as PCI, can be improved in Hong Kong by means of a proper review of the existing services and analysing the international standards that have been set by recognized institutions.




