


儿童肥胖问题需要强制解决。应该为解决儿童肥胖问题制定明确的方案。在这个模型中,最常见的干预形式是家长干预和亲子干预。只有父母的干预被证明是有效的,并为父母和孩子的干预模式提供了类似的结果(Boutelle, c研究所,& Crow, 2011)。进行了一项随机研究,研究结果表明,父母的干预和父母和孩子的干预一样有效。这项研究的优势在于它能够开发一种临床相关的方案。这可以在本次研究的参与者的选择中看到,结果是在6个月的累积时间内收集的。在这项研究中,我们发现参与者的辍学率很高。这项研究还指出,需要进行更多的文学研究,以开发更好的健壮协议(Boutelle, c研究所,& Crow, 2011)。这些结果表明,本研究可以作为进一步研究的重点。已经有很多专门的研究来理解儿童如何控制他们的肥胖的细微差别。

一项主要的研究是由发展以儿童为中心的体育活动计划和父母饮食干预计划。对于一些参与者,他们被允许遵循两个干预项目。对165名儿童的BMI进行了为期两年的记录(Collins et al., 2011)。研究结果指出,体重减轻的儿童,其父母在维持饮食控制方面付出了特殊努力的儿童(Collins et al., 2011)。这一结果的局限性是没有对照组来评估反应。样本容量相对较小。然而,它增加了这一学科有限的文献。这项研究的优势在于,所收集的数据表明,在这个领域还需要更多的研究(Collins et al., 2011)。它指出了该系统固有的谬误,并鼓励进行更多的研究。这一结果表明,该研究可以作为开发有效干预措施的起始点。


Childhood obesity needs to be mandatorily addressed. There should be definitive protocols developed for solutions for childhood obesity. Parent only intervention and parent-child intervention are the most common form of intervention for this model. Parent only intervention has proven to be effective and provide similar results for parent and child intervention model (Boutelle, Cafri, & Crow, 2011). A randomized study was undertaken and the results of the study showed that parent only intervention could be just as effective as parent and child intervention. Strength of this research is that it was able to develop a clinically relevant protocol. This was seen in the selection of the participants for this study, results were garnered over a cumulative period of 6 months. It was seen in this study that the drop out rate of the participants were found to be high. This research also pointed to the fact there is need for more literary research to be undertaken for developing of better robust protocols (Boutelle, Cafri, & Crow, 2011). These results pointed out that this study could be used as a focal point to develop further studies. There have been a number of dedicated researches that has been developed to understand the nuances of how children can control their obesity.

A primary research was undertaken by developing child centric physical activity program and parental dietary intervention program. For some participants they were allowed to follow both the intervention programs. The BMI of 165 children were noted for a period of two years (Collins et al., 2011). The results pointed out to the fact that the children who reduced their weights were the children whose parents took special efforts in maintaining the dietary controls (Collins et al., 2011). Limitations of this result were that there was no control group to gauge the responses. Sample size was relatively lower. Nevertheless it adds to the limited literature in this subject. Strength of this study is that the data that has been collected points to the fact that more research is needed in this arena (Collins et al., 2011). It points out to the inherent fallacies in the system and encourages more research to take place. This result points to the fact that this research can be used as an inception point to develop effective interventions.



