





The chosen framework can provide deep insight to the complexities in supply chain management and factors associated with the success of business. Each element has a strong connection with the internal factors involved in supply chain. It divides the analysis into 7 internal factors and builds a strong insight tool altogether. On contrary, other models such as Schien model, Hall model, Harrison model do not focus on internal elements which are central to the supply chain system. For example, Schien model focuses on beliefs and values of organization which is in appropriate to analyze a rationale supply chain. Another model Harrison model focuses on 4 types of cultures separately; role culture, power culture, task culture and person culture; whereas ZARA constitutes a dynamic culture and environment and works on agile supply chain. McKinsey 7s model provides 7 dimensions of focus divided among Hard S and Soft S.Strategy. Strategy of a company is figured as the policy or plan of an organization to achieve competitive market advantage and target share.

A fine strategy is supposed to be long term, based on strong vision, providing competitive advantage and properly reinforced, when analyzed alone. But in alignment with other factors, sometimes short-term strategies can be very fruitful. Thus McKinsey 7s model focus on well-aligned strategy rather on strong strategy separately.Structure. Structure in McKinsey 7s model is used to identify the divisions and units of an organizations and accountability hierarchy of a company. Structure presents the most obvious framework of the business and organizational chart of the company.System. In McKinsey 7s model system refers to the procedures and methods involved in an organization. It defines the way of carrying out business activities. Moreover, decision making and priorities of a business are also configured as a system of an organization. Systems are very important for analyzing supply chain, specifically, as it defines how business is done and what are the procedures and complexities.



