


在地球历史上,有许多力量导致了物种的灭绝。根据对不同物种灭绝的一些解释,一些主要原因包括气候变化、缺乏有效营养、疾病。Martin指出,Richard Klien给他下了最好的定义,他说物种灭绝是由于人类到来时所观察到的经济冲击造成的(Martin, 2005)。他补充说,人类导致了世界上许多哺乳动物的灭绝。这已经被一些学者所接受。动植物的灭绝可以通过得到物种灭绝和人类到来的实际日期来计算。此外,地理格局也有助于获得相同的原因(Martin, P. s&klein, 1989)。放射性碳年代测定法是鉴定该类化合物的方法之一。由此得出的结论是,这块化石存在了大约5万年。通过计算与化石燃料有关的日期,可以计算出一个特定物种何时灭绝,以及灭绝过程是否在一段时间内或突然发生。



There are a number of forces which were responsible for the extinction of the species in the history of Earth. According to some of the proposed explanation for the extinction of different species some of the primary reasons include the change in climate, shortage of efficient nutrients, diseases. Martin specifies that the best definition was given to him by Richard Klien who said that the extinction was due to the economic shock observed on the arrival of humans (Martin, 2005). He added that humans led to the extinction of a number of mammals in the world. This has been accepted by a number of scholars. The extinction of the flora and fauna can be calculated by getting the actual dates for the extinction of species and the arrival of humans. In addition to this, geographical patterns also helped in getting the cause for the same (Martin, P. S& Klein, 1989). One of the methods for the identification of the same was by radiocarbon dating process. This led to the conclusions that the fossil existed for around 50000 years. By the calculations of the dates related to the fossil fuels it can be calculated that when a specific specie was extinct and also if the process of extinction was over the period of time or happened suddenly.

Some other information which has been provided by radiocarbon dates was that the mammals were there on Wrangel during the times of pharaohs around 4000 years back. Similar the date of extinction of mammoths is calculated to be around 11000 radiocarbon or around 13000 years back during the earlier days of measurement of radiocarbon. It is because of these methods for the purpose of dating, the timings and the patterns of a large number of species has been calculated. According to this, it has been identified that the extinction of mammals begun gradually in Africa. This could be traced back to around two million years back. The intensification of the same happened around 5000 years back in Neanderthals. Further, it affected the Australian subcontinent around 40000 to 5000 years back and further exploded in the continent of America. Except the Imagocnus of Cuba each and every other extinction of dwarfs can be dated back to postglacial period. This was before the extinction of the species which were related to them.



