

本文主要讲述的是移民增加的原因,近年来,由于政局动荡,特别是在阿拉伯国家、南非、北非和阿富汗(Rapaport, K.和levintal, O。,2013)。在大多数接受国,5%的移徙者构成国际难民。20世纪90年代以来,由于各种原因被迫移民的人数达到高峰。本篇英国论文代写价格文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Large fluctuations are seen in the recent years due to volatile political conditions especially in the Arabian countries, SSA, Northern Africa, and Afghanistan(Rapaport, K. andLevintal, O., 2013). Five per cent of the total migrants constitute the international refugees in the most recipient countries. Since the 1990’s, the number of migrants who were forced to migrate owing to different reasons is at its peak.
Economic factors – Since last few decades most potential cause of migration is incentive and better livelihood. Owing to the fact that there are differences in income wages and employment opportunities, people migrate to eradicate their poverty and economic inequality. Rates of employment and GDP per capita are found to be positively related to immigration rates across the world. However, the growth in source and recipient countries is the prime factor in deciding the pattern of migration. According to the World Bank 2015, if the employment growth is not promoted by economic development, the intensity of push factors to emigrate is substantially enhanced. In Global South the international migration to global north and between the countries of countries of south was basically due to unequal distribution of economic resources. The post-colonial power dynamics on a broad global scale also enhanced this economic disparity because of exploitative histories of colonialism in the global south. Moreover northern countries practice such migration policies that are favourable to the migrant which works as pull factors.
Social and cultural factors – It has also been seen that people tent to migrate to those countries that share common language and close proximity geographically. In the global south migration in between the south countries was evident because of solidarities of ideology and political connections.
Demographic factors–Differences in the structure of population in neighbouring countries also contribute to increase in the rate of migration. The country with more number of younger people will have surplus of labour that results the shortage of employment opportunities and it forces people to migrate. While the countries having old age people will constitute the pull effect in attracting youth from neighbouring countries.




