


外部环境中显而易见的主要趋势是消费者面临的经济压力。处于经济衰退阵痛中的消费者可能不愿意为产品支付更多的钱。他们希望获得基于成本的竞争优势。罗技在过去无法向消费者展示这种基于成本的优势,因为它的运营成本增加了。在其他国家建立了运营单位,这些设施需要更多的资金来有效运行,这意味着罗技将遭受内部运营成本,因此成本将通过调整产品价格来满足(Hoffman, 2011)。能够更好地管理运营成本的竞争对手公司,将能够向客户提供更低的价格。罗技在案例研究中提到,后来整合制造,这确实使公司能够向消费者展示基于成本的优势。

这也使该公司能够专注于电脑外围设备以外的产品。然而,仅凭这一点并不能解决宏观环境中的风险问题。在更现代的时代,截至2015年,罗技通过品牌重塑战略和执行战略方向,实际上已经落后于竞争对手,重新获得了坚实的市场份额(Capozzi, 2015)。在过去,罗技的战略方向是检查电子行业中是否存在更新的计算机外围设备方面的机会,并在这些方面进行创新,以利用市场。外部环境中既有威胁也有机会,企业有责任确保及时管理这些威胁和机会(Shepherd, et al, 2016)。


The primary trend noticeable in the external environment is that of the economic pressure on its consumers. Consumers in the throes of economic recession might not be willing to pay more for products. They would expect a cost based competitive advantage. Logitech in the past was not able to present this cost based advantage for its consumers because of the increased costs associated with its operations. Operations units were established in other countries and these facilities required more money to be run efficiently which in turn meant that Logitech would be suffering internal operational costs and hence the costs would be met by adjusting the prices of products (Hoffman, 2011). Competitor companies that are able to manage their operational costs better would be able to offer lesser prices to customers. Logitech as presented in the case study, consolidated manufacturing later, and this does enable the company to present a cost based advantage to its consumers.

It also enables the company to focus on products beyond computer peripherals. However, this alone did not solve the problems of risks in the macro environment. In more current times, as of 2015, it has been argued that Logitech by its rebranding strategy and executive strategic direction has in fact left behind its competitors to regain a solid market share (Capozzi, 2015).In the past, the strategic direction of Logitech was to check if there were any opportunities in the electronics industry in terms of newer computer peripheral devices and innovate on these lines to take advantage of the market. There are both threats and opportunities in the external environment and it is the responsibility of the business to ensure they manage these in a timely manner (Shepherd, et al, 2016).



