


根据一项针对公共部门的大规模研究的统计数据,有大量研究报告称,欺凌和离职是一种积极的关系(Einarsen et al., 2010)。许多人选择辞职是因为受到欺负。通过实证研究发现,有35%的面试官表示,他们辞职是因为在工作中被同事或上司欺负。在澳大利亚的餐饮业中,25%的受访者正因为这个问题打算离职(Mathisen, Einarsen, and Mykletun, 2008)。这些数字令人担忧,需要加以解决。再加上Mathisen, Einarsen, Mykletun(2008)指出,由于工作满意度和承诺,员工可能会因为受到欺凌而离开他们的组织。

恃强凌弱对企业有负面影响。离职是最后的办法。人们请了很多病假来临时处理这个问题,这会导致生产力问题(Conway et al., 2016)。在2002年,有29%的员工报告说,他们因为职场恶霸而缺勤超过30天。13%的员工表示,由于身体肿胀,他们请了60天以上的病假。(Asfaw, Chang, and Ray, 2014)的研究表明,3.36%的人因受伤或疾病而缺勤,这是平均每人每年缺勤的数字。在这种情况下,人们请假的原因更多的是因为受到欺负。


There are a large number of studies report that bullying and turnover is positive relationship (Einarsen et al., 2010) According to statistics from a large-scale study of the public sector. Many people choose to leave their job because of bullying. From empirical researcg it has been found that there are 35% of interviewers who say that they leave their work because of being bullied by colleague or supervisor in workplace. 25% of respondents in the restaurant industry of Australia are now now planning to leave their jobs because of this issue (Mathisen, Einarsen, and Mykletun, 2008). These are alarming figures that needs to be addressed. Added to this Mathisen, Einarsen, Mykletun, (2008) indicates that employee is likely to leave their organization due to bullying because of job satisfaction and commitment.

Bullying has negative effect on business. Leaving the job is the last resort. The people take a number of sick leaves to handle this issue temporarily, this causes productivity issues (Conway et al., 2016). There are 29% employees who reported that they are absent from work for more than 30 days in 2002 because of bullies in workplace. 13% workers presented that they take a sick leave more than 60 days because of bulling. Research by (Asfaw, Chang, and Ray, 2014) states that 3.36% working Miss Day due to injury or illness are the average number in a year for per person. In this case, the reasons for people taking leave of absence are higher because of bullying.



