


问卷调查将有助于收集与学生和工人有关的压力的原始数据和信息。必须指出,与大学生有关的压力被认为是心理压力,而与工人有关的压力则是职业压力。收集好z检验和t检验后,进行相关分析。假设的描述性统计和检验将帮助研究者解决研究问题,并利用相关系数拒绝或接受原假设。因此,预期结果将建立学生和工人的心理和职业压力参数之间的关系(Mansson, 2013)。根据对25名工人的调查,分析的关键变量是与弹性工作时间相关的职业压力。



The questionnaire survey would help to collect primary data and information about the stress related to the students and the workers. It must be noted that the stress related to the college students have been regarded as mental stress and that of workers is occupational stress. After the collection of the Z–test and T-test along with correlation analysis would be conducted. The descriptive statistics and testing of the hypothesis would help the researcher to address the research questions and reject or accept the null hypothesis with the help of the correlation coefficient. Thus, the expected result would establish the relationship between the parameters of mental and occupational stress with respect to students and workers (Mansson, 2013).Based on the survey conducted on 25 workers, the key variable in the analysis is the occupational stress which is related to the flexible working hours.

These two variables are interconnected as the inability to offer flexible working hours would mean that the workers are under stress. Around 80% of workers or respondents have stated that they suffer from occupational stress and work pressure while 20% of them have stated that they face no work stress or pressure. About 24% of the workers or respondents have expressed that they have flexible work hours in their office and the rest 76% of them have stated that they do not have any flexible work hours. The correlation coefficient has been calculated between the survey results for job stress and the realistic and achievable deadlines.



