


培根的反抗是一场反抗殖民地帝国主义的起义,这是殖民地政府和殖民地政府把弗吉尼亚殖民地带到了自己的魔掌之下。战斗是1676和1677之间的斗争是以Nathaniel Bacon为首的反对Virginia总督的殖民地一个年轻的农场主,William Berkeley先生。(Washburn,Wilcom E 1958)










1676好几的拓荒者积极反对殖民政府领导的叛军纳撒尼尔培根谁想要采取的州长William Berkley的地方。随着时间的推移,起义看到当地人的参与,剥夺了非洲裔美国人的贫困农民联合领导的反对殖民主义的全面战争,成为一个社会特纳。(Webb,Stephen Saunders。1995)起义的主要作用是契约奴役结束。


Bacon’s rebellion was an uprising against the colonial imperialism of the Americans and the colonial government which had brought Virginia Colony under its clutches. The battle which was fought between 1676 and 1677 was led by Nathaniel Bacon, a young planter in the colony against the governor of Virginia, Sir William Berkeley. (Washburn, Wilcom E. 1958)

This uprising saw a series of changes in America’s southern colonies, but one key change which was the end of indentured servitude of the African slaves, widely known as the black slaves.

This paper highlights the changes in attitude towards slavery and servitude over the 17th century and how the Bacon’s rebellion was the key to this change.

Reasons for the war

The main reasons for the uprising or the Bacon rebellion were:

a.The low prices of tobacco- In colonized Virginia, the African slaves were made to toil in the tobacco fields with meager daily wages. This went on for long before the people were unable to bear the injustice and the black slave’s clustered into a battle against the American colony.

b.High taxes were also claimed from the natives of the region who were terrorized and paralyzed due to colonialization. The indigenous planters were losing their lands and liberty to the colonizers. (Bilings, Warren M. 1970)

African slavery in American colonies

In the American colonies, the Africans or blacks were and had always been bonded laborers or slaves. The Americans referred to this slavery as a “peculiar institution”, a common euphemism to explain all things non American (Wiseman, Samuel. 2006). The slaves were denied the basic human rights to life and liberty, they were bought and sold like commodities, and were made to work on meager pay and pathetic conditions. The treatment they received was worse than the natives of the colonies.

Slavery reforms after the war

In 1676 several frontiersmen aggressively protested against the colonial government led by the rebel Nathaniel Bacon who wanted to take the place of the governor William Berkley. With time, the uprising saw the involvement of the natives and the deprived African Americans and the poor farmers who united to lead a full fledged battle against colonialism and became a social turner. (Webb, Stephen Saunders. 1995) The main effect of the uprising was the end of indentured servitude.




