


日本殖民地时期的日本殖民地第三代日本家族的存在使得库拉托·库拉托(Kazuko Kuramato)相信日本人固有的种族优越感。她甚至认为,作为一个小孩和十几岁的少年,对日本满洲人的特权以及给予中国人和韩国人的二等待待遇是日本人有权享有的。虽然多年的促进日本帝国主义运动的条件和宣传可以归因于这种观点和思想,但提交人的父亲似乎对他的子女所维持的这种思想模式(满洲遗产,p.35)显然不舒服。当她回忆起在中国朋友面前唱满洲国歌的时候,作者的爱国情感真正引起了共鸣,他们毫不知情地发现他们会冒犯(“满洲遗产”,第38页)。


随着第二次世界大战的开始,作者从童年到青春期的过渡,她的民族主义情绪和民族认同感得到了加强。她热切地思考和倡导日本作为亚洲救世主的使命,她宣称自己是一个爱国者,并宣称作为日本人,她的职责是帮助她的国家把亚洲从“邪恶的西方”的残暴的魔掌中拯救出来。为了这样做,她在1944年加入红十字会护士作物,而她的兄弟加入了军队。 Kuramato Kuramato和她的家人沉浸在民族主义的热情中,不知道即将面临的失败危险,以及一旦被击败,他们将被困在俄军和中国军队渗透的“无人地带”中。


Hailing from the third generation of a Japanese Family settled in the Japanese Colony of Manchuria in China, Kazuko Kuramato grows up believing in the inherent racial superiority of the Japanese. As a child and teenager, she even considers that the privileges extended to the Japanese residents of Manchuria, as well as the second-class treatment accorded to Chinese and Korean natives was something that the Japanese were entitled to. While years of conditioning and propaganda that promoted Japan’s imperialistic campaigns can be attributed to this perspective and thinking, the author’s father seems to be clearly uncomfortable with this pattern of thought upheld by his children (Manchurian Legacy, p.35). The Author’s patriotic feelings are truly resonated when she recalls singing the national anthem of Manchuho in front of her Chinese friends, innocently unaware of the fact that they would take offence (Manchurian Legacy, p.38).

Commencement of the Second World War

With the commencement of the Second World War, and the author’s transition from childhood to adolescence, her feelings of nationalism and sense of national identity gain momentum. She passionately thinks and advocates the mission of Japan as the saviour of Asia; she proclaims herself to be a patriot and declares that being Japanese, it is her duty to assist her country in saving Asia from the tyrannous clutches of the ‘Evil West’. In order to do so, she joins the Red Cross Nurse Crops in 1944, while her brother joins the military forces. Steeped in nationalistic fervour, Kazuko Kuramato and her family have no idea of the impending perils of defeat, and the fact that they would be stranded in ‘no-man’s land’ infiltrated by Russian and Chinese troops, once they were defeated.



