





The proposed research topic is to develop the leadership skills in women in the emerging countries such as Nigeria by changing the pedagogical approach. The targeted segment is adolescent girls studying in school. This is of interest because only by changing the grass root level of the societies can women empowerment is possible in the world. In the emerging countries such as Nigeria, the gender discrimination is highly pronounced. This does not imply that there are no successful career women in Nigeria. Real issue is in the sheer volume of numbers. Women in leadership roles are limited in Nigeria. In these societies, the oppression and patriarchal notions are still accepted in society. Women do not take up leadership role and choose to lead people. This is because of their social and cultural beliefs. Without interfering with the original values of their cultures, there should be empowerment of women. For this purpose, there should be empowerment education and innovative pedagogical approaches in the earlier stages of the psychological development.

This research will focus on the ways in which there can be real change in the societies. This can be achieved by conforming the societal beliefs. It is understood that radical changes cannot be fostered. Gradual changes that will bring more leadership practices in girls will be developed. For this, there will be analysis of primary research, and from this research, a number of insights and real implementable measures will be developed. There will be a combination of qualitative and quantitative research that will be used for this purpose.Possible ethical issues that would arise is personal bias. Bias can arise when there is cultural difference between the researcher and the people. Apart from this, there is an issue of Halo effect. This would essentially direct research towards any one aspect. Hence, measures should be taken to tackle this issue of bias. When using data from other statistical analysis, there is a possibility that the data range is focused towards the research of the primary researcher. Consent of data of individuals from the various data sources should be managed.



