


杀死一只知更鸟–第一和哈珀·李的最后一部小说是普利策奖得主。60年代时期的小说是非常著名的,它是一个新的一个6岁的孩子Jean Louise Finch(侦察)记得他的经历从成人的观点来看。有不同的人物像她父亲Atticus先生和他的合法性辩护Tom Robinson。汤姆是一个黑人被欺骗的指责一个白人女孩强奸。这正是在这个时候,Finch和她的哥哥一方面见证了偏颇和仇恨不公平的结果,而另一方面他们也经历了真理的重要性,诚实和勇敢。
小说《杀死一只嘲鸟》是在民权运动期间公布的,因此它被认为是种族主义的真实写照。这部小说的最大特征是:律师,他被证明是一种理想的人的道德素质。尽管Bob Ewell是种族主义者,他对黑人不尊重,也试图证明汤姆是罪魁祸首,尽管他是无辜的。
我选择了为该小说的研究主题是道德与不道德的同时。小说<<杀死一只知更鸟是人类道德的解释,并给出了一个非常清晰的画面,善良与邪恶的存在之间的人。阿迪克斯,职业律师,认为人类通常都有好和坏的品质在他们。他总是教导他的孩子相同的原理,甚至用他的案例Tom Robinson帮助无辜的黑人却指责强奸白人女孩是谁镇。这是南美洲大萧条时期,因此人们真的很生气,对黑人充满了仇恨,所以在这个时候,证明一个黑人也可能是无辜的是一项艰巨而艰巨的任务。在所有不利的情况,之前一直试图改变人们的视角和消除他们心里根深蒂固的种族歧视。他试图同完整奉献他始终相信会有一天,当善战胜恶和社会所有的种族主义和其他的邪恶就会被消灭。


To Kill A Mocking Bird – the first and the last novel by Harper Lee is a Pulitzer Prize winner. The novel was very famous during the time period of 1960s. It is a novel in which a 6years old child Jean Louise Finch (Scout) remembers his experiences from an adult’s point of view. There were different characters like her father Mr. Atticus and his lawful defense Tom Robinson. Tom was a black man who was deceitfully blamed of rape of a white girl. This was the time when Finch and her brother on one hand eye witnessed the unfair results of biasness and hatred whereas on other hand they also experienced the importance of truth, honesty and bravery.
The novel To Kill a Mocking Bird was released during the time of Civil Rights Movement and so it was considered as a true picture of racism which prevailed during those days within southern society. The strongest character of the novel was of Atticus, the lawyer, he proved to be an ideal man of ethical qualities. Whereas Bob Ewell was racist who showed no respect towards black people and also made all the attempts to prove that Tom was the culprit in spite of the fact that he was innocent.
Theme Analysis
The theme which I chose for the analysis of the novel is Simultaneity of Moral and Immoral. The novel To Kill a Mocking Bird is the explanation of human morals and gives a very clear picture of existence of goodness and badness among the people. Atticus, a lawyer by profession, considers that the human beings usually have both the good as well as the bad qualities in them. He always taught his children the same principle and even to the town with the help of his case of Tom Robinson who was blameless black man but blamed of raping a white girl. This was the time of Great Depression in South America and hence people were really angry and filled with hatred against black people, so in such time it was a huge and tough task to prove that a black man could be innocent too. In spite of all the adverse situations, Atticus kept on trying to change people’s perspective and remove the deep seated racism from their minds. He tried the same with complete dedication as he always believed that there would be a day when goodness would conquer badness and all the racism and other evils of the society would be wiped out.



