


这是重要的是要考虑社区的共同利益和意见,有关地区的再发展,因为这些类型的项目是建立在城市的福利和发展。只要人们拥有城市里的地方和项目,他们对自己城市的信心和归属感就会被激发起来。一个拥有自己城市的人在城市或社区的发展和繁荣的过程中更有动力做出贡献。当城市的建筑是在公众的建议下建造的时候,他们会积极地发挥各自的作用来帮助维护这个地方。人们抑制了一种追求高质量生活的感觉,这种感觉反映在他们投入到开发中的工作质量上(Berke & Conroy, 2000)。另一方面,如果一个地方没有得到公众的同意而建造,它就会在很短的时间内变得过时和缺乏维护(Meyerson & Banfield, 1964)。

因此,在设计和建设城市空间的同时,必须吸引人们的参与。在这个想法的阴暗面,如果在设计空间时只考虑公众的同意,从长远来看可能会损害基础设施。有些复杂性只有工程师和设计师才能看到,比如地质参数、风向、公园、商业区和住宅区等地方材料、空间和地理位置的长期利用(Davidson et al., 2007)。在设计一个项目时,这些事情以及许多其他因素都是必须考虑的。这两种方法的平衡将在哈利法克斯产生一个健全和可持续的社区。


It is important to being considerate about community’s common interest and opinion regarding redevelopment of the area since these types of projects is built for welfare and development of the city. As far as people own the places and projects within the city their confidence and sense of ownership towards their city will be motivated (Benevolo, 1967). A person who owns his city is far more motivated to contribute in the process of development and flourishing of a city or community. When city’s structures are constructed with public advice, they play their individual part actively to help in maintaining the place. People inhibit a sense of availing quality life which reflects in the quality of work they input into the development (Berke & Conroy, 2000). On the other hand, if a place is built without public consent, it becomes obsolete and ill-maintained in a very short span of time (Meyerson & Banfield, 1964).

Therefore, it is necessary to engage people while designing and building city spaces. On the darker side of the thought, if only public consent is considered while designing the spaces, it may harm the infrastructure on longer term. There are certain complexities which can be in-sighted by engineers and designers only, such as the geological parameters, wind directions, long-term utilization of material, spaces and geographical locations for places like parks, commercial areas and residential areas (Davidson et al., 2007). These things along with numerous other factors are necessary to consider in designing a project. A balance in both approaches will result in a sound and sustainable community in Halifax.



