


文章说,这是几十年以来,人们都在提高他们的声音,促进台湾的性别平等。这改变了足总çADE的社会以及。该国认为,妇女应该享有平等的权利和机会,因为它不是性别,它定义了一个人,但在一个人的物质,它定义了他或她。然而,一个名叫Ko Wen je的医生引起了人们的消极情绪基于性别的歧视性言论的问题。他是市长职位的候选人之一。然而,台湾市民是足够聪明的了解,候选人可能会道歉他的言论和行为,但它真的很难改变个人的心态。如果他不尊重女性,那么他曾经为自己发表的评论道歉,他永远不可能在一个不同的人的心。


The article says that it been decades since people are raising their voices to foster gender equality in Taiwan. This has changed the façade of the society as well. The country thinks that women should be given equal rights and opportunities because it is not gender which defines a person but the substance in a person which defines him or her. However, one of the physicians named Ko Wen-je attracted negative sentiments of the people by making discriminatory remarks based on gender issues. He is one of the candidates for the position of the mayor. However, the public of Taiwan is intelligent enough to understand that the candidate may apologize for his remarks and behaviors, but it is really very difficult to change the mentality of the individual. If he cannot respect women, then how much ever he apologizes for his comments, he can never be a different person at heart.

It is not wrong to say that gender equality is a human right which should be honored, but sadly there are a number of nations which are not even near to attain complete gender equality.

Japan is a country which has always strived hard to attain gender equality. However, the recent surveys regarding gender equality at work have been very disappointing. Almost fifty five percent of the young males were of the opinion that wives should stay at home. Even the females opted for the same thing with forty three per cent women being in favor of same. The researchers say that this shift is evident from the fact that these youths have grown in the same environment where the women were asked to be at home to take care of the family. If one thinks from another angle, this shift in the survey is because the youths are finding it difficult to get good paying jobs and hence want their homes to be a place where they can come back for emotional support. It is said that the shift behind the thinking of the Japanese people is because of the weakening of the economy.

Just fifteen days ago, China has drafted a new law against domestic violence. Domestic Violence has been rampant in the society but nobody talked about it publicly because it was thought of as a private matter. However, the law lacks few points like it does not apply on unmarried or divorced couples. The irony is that twenty years back, physical violence was not even considered as grounds for divorce. In 2001, China incorporated certain laws which were aimed at banning domestic violence. Earlier when such laws were not present, it was very difficult for the women to put an end to the abused relationship. Survey says that almost forty per cent of Chinese women who are married or are in a relationship have faced physical or sexual abuse. It is very clear that domestic violence is disturbing as it affects the family members physically as well as psychologically. Domestic violence is a social issue and hence it should be addressed seriously as it would better the society in which we live.



