

本文主要是医院护理的调查分析,总而言之,在可查阅的档案资料中所观察到的情况表明,在香港,护理专业人员以及他们在根除PCI治疗引起的并发症方面面临许多挑战。为了缓解这些问题,Ng & Graham(2012)建议对护理专业人员进行良好的培训,培养监测和解读心电图读数的技能,评估插入点的愈合情况,并采取其他预防措施以确保患者的安全。他们的职责还包括向患者及其家属充分提供有关其饮食习惯和生活方式的信息,以便即使在患者出院后也能大大减少风险。本篇英国论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Overall, the scenario observable with reference to the accessible archival texts implies that in Hong Kong, nursing professionals as well as their face many challenges to eradicate complications arising from PCI treatment. To mitigate these issues, Ng & Graham (2012) suggested that the nursing professionals should be trained well, to develop skills in monitoring and interpreting ECG readings, assessing healing at the insertion point and taking other precautionary measures to assure patient safety at large. Their roles also involve adequate deliverance of information to the patients and their families, regarding their eating habits and lifestyle so that the risks can be minimized substantially even after the patient is released from the hospital.
Under such circumstances, it becomes necessary to maintain data of STEMI registry so that it is possible to compare the results of the treatment with international standards. To be noted in this regard, record keeping makes it possible to determine the flaws in the treatment method, as prevalent in Hong Kong and take necessary steps to attain efficiency (Ng & Graham, 2012).Stating precisely, the findings obtained from the literatures reviewed suggest that nurses’ knowledge and experience in the field of post PCI care plays a crucial role. Effects of nursing knowledge on the effectiveness of their delivered care have been debated since long, especially in the field of cardiac care (Madhusoodan 2015).
The research conducted by Madhusoodan (2015) thus revealed that there were significant differences in the performance of nurses who received training through a forma teaching program and those who were excluded from the program, when delivering to patients with cardiac problems. Stressing further on the notion, Kadda et al. (2012) asserted that proper training facilities for the nurses are crucial to enhance their knowledge and learning through experience, especially when delivering care in challenging situations, which also involves PCI patients. According to Kadda et al. (2012), the training helps nurses to understand the rehabilitative care requirements of patients by means of support, reinforcement, supervision as well as education. To assess the notion further, You et al. (2013) had conducted a series of intervention researches in both China and Europe. The results obtained by the researchers implied that hospital environment had a strong influence on the performance of the nurses, while their quality of care directly correlated with patients’ safety and satisfaction from the hospital.




