


政府侵犯了中国公民的言论自由、结社自由、宗教自由和隐私权,并根据《开放网络行动报告》(Feng & Guo, 2013)进行了报道。例如,在中国,西藏等群体的政治活动和表达权利受到了侵犯。任何试图反对或反抗中国共产党政府的组织都是无能为力的。人权活动、法轮功等宗教活动、西藏等少数民族地区的消音活动都被高度隐蔽。人们一直存在恐惧,因为他们不确定在任何令人担忧的活动之后接下来会发生什么(冯和郭,2013)。中国的商业部门是唯一一个在很大程度上受到互联网审查影响的部门。谷歌、微软和雅虎是中国互联网审查最常见的受害者(Bao, Wang, & Zheng, 2013)。吸引谷歌进入中国的主要原因是中国的人口,据估计,中国的互联网用户增长了2.5亿。
由于中国的互联网审查制度,谷歌在推出搜索引擎谷歌时犹豫不决。在1999年,谷歌创建了一个搜索引擎,它能够阅读基于字符的语言,例如韩语,中文和日语,并决定通过其总部设在美国运行它。正因为如此,公司在中国的市场份额达到了25% (Feng, 2015)。2002年9月,情况发生了逆转,因为中国人民无法访问Google.com。由于用户被拒绝访问中国所有的搜索网站,这导致了商业竞争和审查措施的结合。在2002年,有人怀疑,以谷歌为代价,百度是优先的,而政治竞选活动被百度精心策划。由于中国政府的干扰,谷歌在中国的市场份额从2002年的25%下降到2006年的19.2%。


The government of China has violated the freedom of speech, association, religion, and privacy of the citizens of China and it has been reported according to the report of Open Net Initiative (Feng & Guo, 2013). In the case of China, for instance, the political activities and the right of expression of groups such as Tibet have been violated. Any group that tries to oppose or rebel against the dominated communist government of China cannot do anything. Human Rights activities, religious activities like Falun Gong, and silencing minority tribes for example Tibet has been highly concealed. There has been fear among the people as they are not sure about what is going to take place next after any apprehensive activity (Feng & Guo, 2013). The business sector in China is the only sector that has been largely affected by the internet censorship. Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo are the web-based companies that have been the most frequent victims of internet censorship in China (Bao, Wang, & Zheng, 2013). The main reason that attracted Google to venture into China was the population of China and it had estimated the growth of up to 250 million internet users.
Because of the internet censorship in China, Google was hesitating in launching Google in the search engine. In the year 1999, a search engine was created by Google that was able to read the language based on the character for example Korean, Chinese and Japanese and decided to run it through its headquarter that is based in the United States of America. Because of it, the company has achieved 25% market share in China (Feng, 2015). In the year 2002, September, it took an opposite turn, as the people of china were not able to access Google.com. As users were turned away to the search sites that were owned by China, it resulted in combining both business rivalries and censorship measures. It was suspected in the year 2002 that at the cost of Google, Baidu was preferential and political campaigns were finely turned by Baidu. The market share of Google in China, which was 25% in the year 2002 declined to 19.2% in the year 2006, because of the disruption that was caused by the government of China.




