


与大多数国家相关的是与电子商务创新相关的企业创业。电子商务成功的关键因素,一直是透过政府和商界透过资讯及通讯科技,在以电脑为媒介、行政或商业交易及资讯交换为基础的网络上进行。正在开发新业务和创造新收入流的公司一直在利用创业活动,通过产品推广和流程创新来提高公司的成功(Zahra等,1999)。风险承担作为产品的根本性创新和企业创业活动的主动性是必要的。创新产品可能还不够,过程创新也是必要的。尽管有这个过程,公司的成功在很大程度上取决于员工的表现。员工最优绩效的关键因素是他们所工作的企业文化。Rauch等人(2009)认为,企业创业对企业绩效的影响随着文化规范的功能而变化。Venter et al(2008)一直在区分企业文化和创业文化,而这种区分是通过对企业创业的定义与保守的企业文化截然相反来完成的。

可持续的经营业绩应该包含一种鼓励新想法和容忍风险的文化。创业文化一直在刺激绩效、灵活性和创新(Lumpkin and Dess, 1996)。应该鼓励企业家精神创造适当的文化和培养企业家精神的气氛。在一个组织中,有五个重要部分。这些部分有时似乎把自己拉向不同的方向,而这些方向又彼此不同。可以在IT初创公司中实现的最合适的结构领导是明茨伯格的“简单结构”。由于缺少高科技部件,这种结构是基础的,缺乏详细的阐述。然而,从总体上看,它缺乏规范性和形式化。虽然监督是由最高层提供的,但与明茨伯格在他的简单结构中所描述的不同,自由和自由应该提供给员工,让他们在给定的结构中独立工作。


Pertinent to most countries, is the corporate entrepreneurship related to the innovation in e-business. The critical factor for the e-business to be successful has been through government and business taking place through ICT on the basis of networks that are computer mediated, administrative or commercial transactions and exchanges of information. The companies to be developing new businesses and creating new streams of revenue have been using the entrepreneurial activities for enhancing the success of the company by product promotion and innovation of the process (Zahra et al, 1999). The risk taking is required as radical innovation of the products and pro-activeness in the activities of the corporate entrepreneurship. The innovation product might not be enough, and innovation in process is also necessary.Despite the process in place, the success of a company depends to a large extent on the performance of its employees. The critical factor for the optimal performance of the employees is the corporate culture within which they work. Rauch et al (2009) argues that corporate entrepreneurship’s influence on the performance of the business has been varying with respect to the function of the norms of the culture. While Venter et al (2008) has been differentiating between the corporate culture and entrepreneurial culture, the differentiating is done with definition of corporate entrepreneurship being diametrically opposite to a corporate culture which is conservative.

The business performance to be sustainable should involve a culture that encourages new ideas and is tolerant of risks.The entrepreneurial culture has been stimulating performance, flexibility, and innovation (Lumpkin and Dess, 1996). It should be encouraged that entrepreneurship creates appropriate culture and foster a climate of entrepreneurship. In an organization, there are five important parts. These parts sometimes are seemingly pulling themselves in various directions that are varied from one another. The structure lead that can be implemented in an IT start up company most appropriately is the Mintzberg’s “Simple Structure”. This structure is basic and lacking in elaboration as there is dearth of hi-tech parts. However, generally, it is being devoid of standardization and formalization. Although the supervision is provided from the top apex, unlike what Mintzberg has described in his Simple Structure, liberty and freedom should be provided to the employees to work independently within the given structure.



