




  • 质量:质量第一和最重要的因素被认为是通过组织达到目标和目标在一个非常有效的方法。减少一个在任何制造过程的质量百分比将导致更大的损失和质量的影响。所以,每一个阶段的组织生产和控制应与担保和保证质量检查控制管理服务提供最好的产品。
  • 速度/时间:速度和时间是效率和性能的持续时间和数量提供的组织开发和创造一个创新的产品与最好的质量设计和推广。做事情很快将是不够的。组织应利用智能工作措施,生产高质量的产品在一个短时间内。


  1. Using examples define the five basic performance objectives. Then discuss how each is applicable to both the internal and external environment of an organization of your choice.

Among all the strategies for improving the performance and needs along with the savings of the organization, the most important objective is defined with 5 biggest key performance objectives. Those 5 key important objectives will include Quality, Speed/Time, Dependability, Flexibility and Costs. Let us discuss these 5 needs of objectives below.

  • Quality: quality is the first and the foremost factor considered by the organization to attain the goals and its objective in a very efficient way. The reduction of a single percent of quality in any of the process of manufacturing will result in greater loss of impact and quality. So, each and every stage of organizing production and the control should be checked with guaranteed and assured quality control management services to provide the best products ever.
  • Speed/Time: Speed and time are nothing but the duration and the amount of efficiency and performance provided by the organization to develop and to create an innovative product with the best quality in design and outreach. Doing things fast will not be sufficient. The organization should make use of the smart working measures to produce best quality of products in a short span.



