


所有这些歌曲制定启发能量的事件表现室特别是由Lesa Terry在舞台上的活动中演出的歌曲。这首歌的作曲家不仅有才华,但多熟练的技巧是包容的小提琴演奏,作曲,艺术总监,教育和写作的学术文章。这首歌的出现,导致了一个独特的音乐表演创新。这首歌有才华的深度和呼吸,可以确定通过分析需要突出表现在音乐的最佳可能的形式在音乐活动。
我认为歌曲在性质上是不同的,但最重要的是,他们是一种媒介,通过它的听众掌握的作曲家的深度。然而,这个深度是不能被探索,直到或除非这首歌涉及适当的背景音乐,音调和纹理的声音,支持这首歌。这意味着,所有的歌曲是不完整的,没有的字符,有助于在描述这首歌的最佳适当形式。所有歌曲的表现活动中,最吸引的是Lesa Terry的歌曲,主要是由艺术家的歌曲需要深入的领域去探索。这首歌在作曲家的歌声中有助于了解作曲家的心灵深处。音乐的力量是巨大的,当音乐与歌曲,它有助于提供更多的理解,创新,创新甚至是幸福或快乐的目标受众。


All these songs formulated to enlighten the energy in the event performance room especially by the songs composed by Lesa Terry that were performed during the event on the stage. The composer of this song is not only talented but multi skilled as the skills are inclusive of violin playing, composing, director of arts, educating and writing scholarly articles. The emergence of this song led towards bringing a distinct musical performance innovation. The song had talented depths and breaths which could be identified through analyzing the need to highlight performance of music in the best possible form during the musical event.

I think songs are varied in nature but most of all they are a medium through which the listeners grasp the depth of the composer. This depth however cannot be explored until or unless the song involves proper background music, tones and textures of sound that support the song. This implies that all the songs are incomplete without the characters that help in describing the song in the best appropriate form. Of all the songs performed during the performance event, the most attracting was the songs of Lesa Terry mainly because the song composed by the artist required an in-depth realm to be explored. This exploration presented in the song by the composer of the song helped in understanding the composer’s mind depth. The power of music is immense and when music collaborates with a song, it helps in delivering more understanding, creativity, innovation and even well-being or happiness of the target audience.



