


深水地平线(Deepwater Horizon)是一个海上钻井平台,为越洋公司(Transocean)所有,是半潜式钻井平台,租给了英国石油(BP)。2010年4月,该钻井平台在为一个名为马孔多(Macondo)的钻井平台工作时发生爆炸。它导致大量石油泄漏到墨西哥湾。爆炸造成11人死亡,多人受伤。石油钻井平台被烧毁,沉入水中。(Mendelssohn, 2012, p.565)近三个月来,石油不断流入水中,影响了水生生物。许多鱼类和哺乳动物死亡。水被油污染了。英国石油公司在2010年7月15日前后的3个月内成功封堵了油井的开采量。在此期间,石油泄漏持续不断,数百万桶石油暴露在水中(Kujawinski, 2011),严重影响了环境。



Deepwater Horizon was an offshore drilling unit and was semi-submersible owned by Transocean and was given on lease to BP. In April 2010, the rig exploded while working for one of the prospect in the US, named Macondo. It caused a major leakage of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The explosion caused death of 11 humans and many were injured. The oil rig was burnt and sank into the water. Because of the fire and explosion, clouds of smoke were formed and in this way the environment got polluted (Mendelssohn, 2012, p.565). For almost three months, the oil kept flowing into the water and affected the aquatic lives. Many fishes, mammals died. The water was contaminated with oil. BP was able to cap the opening of well in a span of 3 months around 15th July 2010. In this duration, the oil leakage was continuous and several million barrels oil was exposed into the water (Kujawinski, 2011) which affected the environment badly.

his failure is one of the examples of poor management and quality. There was integrity failure and the hydrostatic control of the well was lost. This resulted into a failure to control the flow from the well and release of hydrocarbons into the water (Cleveland, 2010). Essentially the blowout preventer equipment (BOP) failed to seal the well. There was a lack of implementing the successful quality strategy. All these event sequences happened because of the mentioned below factors. Lack of planning: There was lack of planning which resulted into this major explosion. Proper disaster handling arrangements were not in place.No timely decisions: No timely decisions were made and this resulted into oil spill over a span of three months.No strict management: In this critical situation, the management response was sluggish.Lack of risk assessment: Proper risk management was not done.Poor performance: There were signs of poor performance of the device. Also, maintaining hydrostatic control of the well was a failure.



