



众所周知,多管齐下的办法之一是审慎的财政政策,导致政府限制收入的支出,重新调整公共开支以提高生产率的方案,解决公共债务问题(Stiglitz,77 )。众所周知,在现代经济中发挥重要作用的公共生产性支出,产生积极的外部效应,使公共部门能够利用所涉及的利益。


Considering the content of the book, it can be stated that even though the author is a significant economist, he cannot be considered in the category of traditional economist. This difference of the economist resulted in making the book highly attractive with a number of points to learn about the book, the themes involved and about the author (Perry, 5). The author seems to be inveighing against the ‘Right’ on a number of occasions in the entire book. This book has helped to understand the ways in which barriers and challenges involved in social mobility being eliminated.
For doing so, the road map towards a balanced and sustainable policy for inequality of income should be considered that will assist in accessing appropriate education with quality. This will in return contribute in the creation of more opportunities of employment, and utilizing monetary and fiscal policy for promotion of equitable and shared growth in the economy. Irrespective of the issues related to inequality, the United States of America is faced with an issue of unsustainable debt of public, unemployment, and stagnation in the economy (Stiglitz, 26). There is an increased need for having multipronged approach.

One of the multipronged approaches is known to be the prudent fiscal policy that results in constraining the government from spending in the limits of revenue, re- orienting spending of public towards programs with higher productivity, and addressing the issue of public debt (Stiglitz, 77). It has been known that there are productive expenditures of public that are important in order to function in the modern economy, and for generating positive externalities, so that the public sector can avail the benefits involved.



