


为2016年8月至2017年12月的展会预留展位。为国家电视台制作60秒广告,宣传女性赋权和健康的产品。为产品制作20秒的广播广告,重点关注女性赋权和健康。为主要城市制作不同尺寸的海报和横幅。将建议的软件集成到订单和交付部门。进行招聘和选拔计划,以选拔在使用互联网和相关社交媒体方面知识渊博的员工。根据互联网道德和行为准则,对选定的员工进行培训和研讨会,以了解公司需要达到的目标。购买笔记本电脑和个人电脑进行电子营销活动。为订单和交付服务的操作开发适当的软件和应用程序。为线下的每一个广告活动分配团队和小组,特别是为商务机票和展会。分析和决定结果是营销活动最重要的阶段之一。评估包括销售、查询、订阅、转化率和流量(Gordon, 2013)。

正是通过这种评价,公司才能准确判断整个项目的成败(Gordon, 2013)。这可以通过web分析引擎或开发软件来完成,这些软件可以在运行过程中集成整个系统和操作。用数字和数字手工度量整个项目几乎是不可能的。为了让核数师进行核数,所有员工都必须了解互联网行业普遍存在的各种电子商务风险,这一点非常重要。可以将谷歌、Yahoo analytics等在线分析系统进行集成,使每天的信息流更加精准,这些在线度量系统甚至可以提供改进建议。为了总结活动报告,重要的是指出,从情况分析到控制的每个过程都应该根据公司的人口统计情况进行评估和确定。同样重要的是,评估和评估互联网市场内消费者趋势的变化,以改变或重新制定战略,如果需要,为未来的可持续性和增长。


Reserve stalls for the trade shows happening from August 2016 to December 2017.Create 60 seconds ad for the national television for the product focusing on the women empowerment and health.Create 20 seconds radio ad for the product focusing on the women empowerment and health.Create posters and banners of different dimensions for major cities. Integrate the proposed software to the order and delivery department.Conduct a recruitment and selection program in order to select a workforce who is highly knowledgeable in using internet and related Social Medias. Conduct training and seminars over the selected workforce in order to incept the objectives the company needed to achieve, with internet ethics and code of conduct. Purchase lap-tops and personal computers for the e-marketing campaign. Develop appropriate software and application for the operation of order and delivery service.Assign teams and groups for each ad campaigns happening offline, especially for the trade fares and exhibitions. It is one of the most important stages of a marketing campaign to analyze and determine the outcome. The evaluation includes sales, enquiries, subscriptions, conversion rates and traffic (Gordon, 2013).

It is through this evaluation that the company could accurately determine the success or the failure of the whole project (Gordon, 2013). This can be done either through a web-analytical engine or developing software that could integrate the whole system and operation during its run. It is nearly impossible to manually measure the whole project in terms of numbers and figures. In order for the Auditors to audit, it is important for the entire workforce to have knowledge about the various ecommerce risks that are prevailing in the internet sector. Online analytical system like Google and Yahoo analytics can be integrated for a more accurate and precise flow of information on a daily basis, hence these online metric systems could provide even the suggestion on improvement. To conclude the campaign report, it is important to state that each process from the situation analysis to the control should be assessed and determined accordingly with the company demographics. It is also important to assess and evaluate the changing of the consumer trends within the internet market in order to change or re-strategize a particular campaign if needed for the future sustainability and growth.



