





The character V actions towards other characters are unbelievable and baffling. He saves a young prostitute named Evey from being raped from the Vice Detail. V kills some people without regret, but at the end, Mr. Finch is allowed by V to kill him. Evey was educated by V and also got help in her most challenging periods. V focused on its own goal and never seems to be losing its track in helping Evey. His goal implies by his attitude and actions towards the government. The main goal of V is freedom. He cannot be defeated because believed that freedom is important and therefore, the ideas can never be killed or destroyed. V dies as soon as the reader starts to analyze that he cannot be destroyed. The shy young girl has been educated and grown with the symbol of freedom (Parkin, 2011). Evey demonstrates compassion and future of the nation. The author shows that freedom cannot be sent to jail and it should be provided to all.

Moore has used dialogue and symbolism many times to diversify the story. The author has explained that freedom cannot exist in the nation judged by inequality. V sacrifices himself for equality and freedom and helping Evey to develop a better world. The past of United States also shows that killing and destruction in the way to get freedom. To become free, it takes tough and harsh decisions. Conclusion Scott McCloud has covered the several aspects regarding the “Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art”. The usage of the image and framing of the elements allow the reader to have in-depth knowledge regarding the story presented. The various techniques such as the use of the colors, framing of the elements and emphasizing the tone for the purpose of presenting the atmosphere are represented. The effective plotting of the atmosphere clearly represents the effectiveness of the story represented in front of the reader, and henceforth, each and every point of the analysis has been covered for the betterment of the presentation.



