


谈判:谈判是ADR最基本的方法,适用于双方发生冲突的情况(Epstein, 2002)。现在双方将安排谈判,以便达成协议。双方将直接参与,或他们的代表将参与。每个人都有一定的权利和义务,冲突中的每一方都知道自己的权利和义务。不像调解和仲裁那样涉及第三方。

调解:调解涉及第三方成员。该成员将协助冲突各方达成解决办法。被称为调解人的成员将以公平和公正的方式行事。调解员的作用是提供法律和其他方面的顾问。他们安排冲突双方面对面地见面,试图通过谈判达成解决方案(维多利亚商业律师协会,2018年)。调解也可以私下进行,通常在调解结束时,会起草一份称为MOA的协议备忘录。冲突双方同意的基本条款均在本协议备忘录中约定(Shapiro & Brett, 1993)。调解与协商的不同之处在于,调解涉及第三方。此外,谈判可能比调解更便宜,因为没有雇佣第三方来进行调解。如果调解不能成功地解决冲突,那么双方可以自由地采取其他行动。

仲裁:仲裁是一种第三方参与的过程,第三方对仲裁过程是公平的。然而,此处的第三方并不是该程序的调解人,而是该程序的法官或仲裁者(Goldberg et al., 2014)。处于仲裁员位置的第三方将审理案件,类似于在法庭上审理的案件。一旦仲裁员审理了案件,以及双方当事人提出的论点,他们就会做出最后的决定。仲裁员的裁决或裁定将被赋予几乎与法院判决一样的权力。第三方调解和仲裁有一些相似之处,在这两种情况下,第三方都会安排会面,在会面中,双方会决定他们要处理的问题的形式。与在诉讼过程中不发挥任何积极作用的调解员不同,第三方仲裁员将举行听证会,并决定如何解决问题。此外,与谈判和所有证据相比,诉讼程序更为正式,细节将被记录或记录在案。当仲裁员收到所有证据时,他们才会做出最后的决定。因此,与调解和谈判相比,仲裁的过程需要相当长的时间。

Negotiation: Negotiation is the most basic of ADR methods and the process is applied to situation where two parties are conflicted with one another (Epstein, 2002). Now negotiations will be arranged by both parties so that they can reach a settlement. The parties will be directly involved, or their representatives will be involved. Each of them has some right and duties and each party in the conflict will be aware of their rights and duties. No third parties are involved unlike mediation and arbitration.

Mediation: Mediation involves a third-party member. The member will assist the conflicted parties to reach a solution. The member called the mediator will act in a fair and just manner. The purpose of the mediator is to provide counsel, legal and otherwise. They arrange for the conflicting parties to meet face to face and attempt to bring about the right was to negotiate a resolution (Commercial Bar Association of Victoria, 2018). Mediation can be done privately as well, and usually at the end of mediation, a Memorandum of Agreement called the MOA is drawn up. Basic terms agreed upon by the conflicted parties are written in this MOA (Shapiro & Brett, 1993). The different between mediation and negotiation is that mediation involves a third party. In addition, negotiation could be less expensive than mediation because a third party is not hired for the purpose of mediation. Where mediation does not result in successful conflict resolution, then the parties will be free to pursue other action.

Arbitration: Arbitration is a process that involves a third party who is fair to the process. However, the third party here does not act as a mediator for the process, but is instead a judge or arbiter for the process (Goldberg et al., 2014). The third party in the position of the arbitrator will hear the case, similar to the case being heard at a court. Once the arbitrator hears the case, and the arguments made by the two parties, then they will come to make a final decision. The award or holding of the arbitrator will be given almost the same power as if it were a court judgement. There are some similarities between third party mediation and arbitration, wherein the third party involved in both situations will arrange for a meeting and in the meeting the parties will decide the form of issues they will work on. Unlike a mediator who does not play any active role in the proceedings, the third-party arbitrator will hold a hearing and will decide how the matter can be resolved. Moreover, the proceedings are more formal as compared to negotiation and all the evidence, and details will be recorded or documented. When the arbitrator received evidence on everything, only then they will make a final decision. Hence, compared to mediation and negotiation, the process of arbitration can take quite long.




