


这个因素是基于消费者行为的“理性选择模型”。根据这个模型,消费者通过计算个人通过不同的行为过程所获得的成本和收益来做出购买决策。他们做出的选择使他们期望的净收益最大化。这意味着消费的可持续性将取决于有关消费者可获得的不同选择的信息。当消费者对与购买相关的各种选择有相当多的信息时,他们就可以做出理性的决定,而许多这样的理性决定除了成本因素外,还包括可持续的消费。例如,如果一个人需要回家旅行,可以选择乘汽车还是乘公共汽车,他/她可以选择乘私家车旅行,因为旅程通常会更短,边际成本会更低(Finney, 2014)。



This factor is based on the “Rational Choice Model” of consumer behavior. According to this model, the consumers make their purchase decisions through calculating the costs and benefits that accrue to the individual by following different course of actions. They make the choice that causes to maximize the expected net benefit for them. This means that the sustainability of consumption would depend on the information regarding different options that are available to the consumer. Where the consumer has a fair deal of information regarding various options related to the purchases, they can make rational decisions and many such rational decisions would involve sustainable consumption apart from the cost factor. For example, if a person need to travel home and has the choice of whether to travel by the car or by bus, he/she could choose to travel by personal car, as the journey would generally be shorter and the marginal cost would be lower (Finney, 2014).

Or as an alternate, one could perhaps choose some public transport as it would be a more environmental friendly option and less stressful, and could also enjoy the company of some strangers. Now for a rational consumer who gets both value of the travel i.e. the lesser cost and the ease of travel, and if such value is coupled with the knowledge of sustainability, then the consumer would make the best rational choice. So, the important thing here is that the consumers should be well informed about the benefits and costs of the options, and the benefits of sustainable consumption to make a rational decision. Maximizing the utility of the option causes the consumer to make best decisions. Thus, sustainability of consumption should be made a part of the utility of the products to make the consumers indulge in sustainable consumption. This requires educating the consumers regarding both the environmental and social impacts of consumption, and how their choices are likely to make such impacts.



