

本文主要讲嘈杂的居住环境对人类的健康有影响,嘈杂的环境会让居住在这些地区的人们感到烦恼和压力,但它们可能不会造成健康问题。虽然研究表明,生活在风力发电机组地区的人容易出现健康问题,但另一组研究显示,情况却截然不同。健康心理学发表的一份报告显示,正是暗示的力量在人群中诱发了WTS症状(Layton, 2017)。为了证明这一点,一项研究对60名参与者进行了研究,这些参与者之前观看了电视画面,展示了人们生活在风电场地区时所面临的不利影响。本篇英国艺术与设计论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A noisy environment can annoy and stress out people living these areas, but they potentially do not cause health problems. While studies have shown that people living in wind turbine areas are susceptible to health problems, however another set of the study revealed a rather different picture to the same. A report published by Health Psychology has revealed that it is the power of suggestion which has the ability to induce the symptoms of WTS among people (Layton, 2017). To prove this point, a study was conducted on 60 participants who were previously shown television footage of the adverse effects that the people are facing while living in areas of wind farms.
These participants have later exposed to 10 minutes of infrasound and sham infrasound and the results are fascinating. Participants who had obtained a high score in terms of anxiety have become symptomatic despite being exposed to low to sham infrasound (Knopper et al., 2014). This philosophy of people believing that they are facing health problems to the rotating blades of wind turbines has been a hoax. This is the classic case of nocebo effect which is the appearance of harmful symptoms after receiving negative information. Author Simon Chapman pointed out to the Guardian stating that if wind turbines cause harmful health impacts, then the complaints must be uniform. In fact, there are a plethora people who have not experienced any difficulty due to the low-frequency sound created by the rotating blades of the turbines. Thus, it can be suggested that the negative information and the creation of threat among people have inflicted the WTS and other symptoms (Laszlo et al., 2012).
The argument must be confusing as well as intriguing for a conclusive remark, but substantial evidence for and against the notion is sufficient to come to a conclusion. Although the nocebo effect is a philosophical explanation to impede the claims of health impacts due to the wind turbines and power lines, the proper and strong evidence are still required to underpin the notion. In this regards, it is important to judge the viability of the evidence that justifies the health effect due to the wind turbines and power lines. Several types of research and studies conducted by scholars, authors, doctors and researchers are in line with the adverse effects of the wind turbines and power lines. The people living in the area of wind farms and electronic magnetic fields are falling illness and this substantiates the argument that wind turbines and power lines are bad for human health (Salzberg, 2014). Hence, the statement that living near wind turbines and power lines is bad for health can be supported.




