

本文主要讲的是加利福尼亚州的民主自由性,加利福尼亚州的情况与美国相似。它有一个健全的民主设置和法律的有效实施,选举过程和立法的过程是众所周知的(Shabanova et al., 2015)。它对全球政治和经济规则的制定产生了重大影响。但是这个国家面临着许多问题。有人批评该国干涉其政策,恐怖主义威胁在该国隐现。这影响了参观这个地方的游客数量。本篇英国艺术与设计论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

California state is similar to that of United states. It has a robust democratic setup and effective implementation of the law, the electoral process and the process of making legislation is well known (Shabanova et al., 2015).It has a big influence on how the political and economical rules are created across the world. But the country faces a number of issues. There is criticism for the country to be interventionist in its policies and the threat of terrorism looms in the country. This has affected the number of tourists visiting the place.
America is the largest economy of the world. It has more than 17 trillion dollars in GDP. Disposable income of the people is pretty high but the growing budget deficit is expected to be a problem for the country in the future (Shabanova et al., 2015)
People are cosmopolitan and they have a number of progressive agendas. In the case of California esp. it is considered to be a very liberal state. They constantly welcome changes and follow the latest fashion trends in the society. There is increasing importance given to tourism in the country. People like to travel and is an essential part of their culture (Shabanova et al., 2015).
It has been found that there is a high level of innovation and technology trends in the US. A number of people are found to develop newer inventions in US. The country has ample infrastructure and facilities that allows for further growth. Country faces strong competitions from countries across the spectrum but nevertheless is found to be sustained in the tough times (Shabanova et al., 2015)
The macro environmental factors states that there is high probability for the company to prosper in the current external environmental conditions and can continue to thrive in the future.




