





The great irony is that the craftsmen had a major hand in the development of the products sold in the retail market, and they being the producers were denied their rightful place just because of their lack of capital. Pollard (1965) talks about the division of labour during the advent of industrial revolution, which primarily faced two difficulties; the resistance of the capitalists to agree workers notion of maximising their income. But wanted them to be dependent for their subsistence, and the aversion of skilled labours to get employed on a permanent basis in industries and work in the factory system with a fixed pay and fixed amount of work. Thus, the craftsmen in the inside contract system that had their right of deciding their wages, the timely payment, and their additional expenses that went into producing the products, converted to a bonded labour scenario where in the factory system. And they would be supressed for selecting their type of work, their wages, the additional expenses and right to be varied craftsmen.

The current labour is bonded to a fixed pay, fixed scope of work, lack of a provision for learning new crafts, and not having the right to voice their opinions for getting their real worth. The unions, though powerful is still considered weaker than capital, due to its association with the lack of capital leading to their poor subsistence. Sellers (1991) talked about how the growing industrial revolution fostered the pursuit of individualism and wealth through competitive methods and open ended production. This pursuit of wealth creation, and the disparity in the different modes of production across cultures, gave rise of the rising power of capital and the associated notions of it having the power to control all modes of production and even worker.



