


As an example, consider the case of Gandhi, the man who led the Indian subcontinent in its struggle for self-rule, it could be seen that Gandhi was exposed to some elements of self-rule, and self-governance in his work as a lawyer. He had seen similar oppressions in South Africa and these elements made him think with a more common struggle against colonial rule. Here then it could be said global culture and effects were noticed. Gandhi could look behind the more subdued stances or even rebellious stance taken by people of his own culture. While these numbers were minorities before, in current times people are developing better cultural affinity and this is directly attributed to the connected network.
“Global and local are not spatial structures (levels, scales, places, distances, etc.), but different representations of space competing against each other in a process to determine within society the reality that society is” (Guy, 2009, p.1). In observing the dichotomy of the global and the local, notice for instance, the definition that is presented by George Modelski. This is called the layer-cake model (Guy, 2009). In the layer cake model, the author makes use of a representation of global and local cultures where he refers to them as parts (McGrew, & Lewis, 2013; Modelski, 2014). A local is a part of the global culture.
Now in current times if this theory was used alongside the connections in the form of globalization, and here different parts of the global culture (which are the local cultures) are very well interconnected. Now if this definition was the only theory to understand the dichotomy, then all parts truly connected does indeed obliviate the need to understand global and local cultures in separate ways. In fact, almost all parts of local cultures are connected (Holsti, 1984). However, questions could still be raised based on the connections. If it was to observed that the internet and other modes have improved connections, it can also be argued that such modes of connection are not available to everyone. Sections of people are seen to suffer




