


在这段时间里,电被认为是一件重要的事情,并在很大程度上吸引了欧洲各地科学家的想象力。在这段时间里,人们对电的性质知之甚少。科学家们已经成功地利用纺纱机来发电。1752年,本杰明·富兰克林成功地进行了风筝实验,证明了闪电具有类似的性质。在意大利博洛尼亚大学(university of Bologona),一位名叫路易吉·伽伐尼(Luigi Galvani)的著名外科医生一直在研究电对动物的影响。这并不是一项真正的、不同寻常的研究。科学家们知道,电击也会导致一些剧烈的痉挛,而电击会导致人和动物的肌肉收缩(Treadgold和Warren 12)。


The Bride of Frankenstein is one of greatest horror stories of all times. It is the movie which makes the attempt to draw lightning from sky. The motive of the movie is to specify that the electricity can give the secret of life, the electricity of the body parts and it can also lead to the reanimation of the dead. The movie has each and every element which can be perfect for creation of a great horror story. The greatest inspiration for the director of the movie Mary Shelly behind its creation of the movie is science. The science which has actually been used in this movie is very strange. It has been observed to be influenced from the book which was written in the year 1818. The main idea behind the book was related to the very first battery and the understanding of electricity which had been there in the present times. The story behind the movie began in the mid-18th century (Manguel and Alberto 297).
During this time, electricity has been considered to be an important thing and had largely captured the imaginations of scientists all around the Europe. During these times, there had been a very less knowledge with respect to the nature of electricity. Scientists had been successful in the generation of the electricity by the use of the spinning machines. The proof that lightning was of the similar essence had been obtained after the successful kite experiment by Benjamin Franklin conducted in 1752. In the university of Bologona in Italy, one of the popular surgeons whose name was Luigi Galvani had been doing the investigation on the impact of electricity on the animals. It was not an actual and an unusual research. The scientists knew that the electric shocks can also lead to the production of some of the violent spasms and the electricity can cause the contraction of the muscles in humans and animals (Treadgold and Warren 12).



