


技术的发展促进了数字媒体多种平台的发展。社交媒体被认为是表达情感和满足受众需求的渠道。Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体允许观众与制片人进行更多互动。他们能够向制片人强调他们的确切要求(Livingstone, 2013)。这种观众与制片人之间的社会互动为电视、报纸等传统媒体创造了媒介。现代制片人为了迎合观众的需求,开始对观众进行隔离(McDougall, 2013)。利用网络分析工具和尼尔森等调查工具收集的人口统计数据,现代制作人已经开始为他们的特定受众创造内容。这在较年轻的人口统计学中已被发现明显。年轻的人口统计学通过Twitter、Facebook和YouTube评论来控制他们媒体内容的内容(McDougall, 2013)。生产者了解一般情绪,要求年轻的消费者。社交媒体给了消费者更多的媒体内容自主权。粉丝社区和狂热者对媒体内容的反表达也在增加。
这使得生产商能够获得免费的媒体内容广告和更广泛的品牌认知度。这使得社交媒体中的受众与当地的社会认同产生了一种协同作用,也使得媒体内容更具关联性。这种免费广告的成本对生产者来说是非常低的。由于社交媒体的出现,粉丝社区和媒体内容能够接触到广泛的受众群体已经成为可能。与这一发展相辅相成的是,与媒体内容相关的网络名人和博客的数量有所增加。这些粉丝社区、博主和网络名人在塑造媒体内容方面发挥着重要作用(Bury et al., 2013)。这些人并不局限于任何一个领域的观众代表。他们被认为存在于一个社会中媒体报道的所有领域。这些人并不是在使用和满足理论或反射理论中描述的典型的活跃受众。他们与生产者之间有不同的关系,在许多情况下,他们是其人口统计学观点的代表。


Development of technology has aided in growth of multiple platforms of digital mediums. Social media is considered to be an outlet for emotions and requirements of the audience. Social media such as Twitter and Facebook allows more interactivity of audience with the producers. They are able to emphasize their exact requirements to the producers (Livingstone, 2013). This social interaction between the audience and producer has created media for traditional mediums like TV and Newspaper. Modern producers to cater to the requirements of the audience have started to segregate their audiences (McDougall, 2013). Using web analytics tool and demographic data collected from Nielson and other surveying tools, modern producers have started to create content for their specific audience. This has been found pronounced in the younger demography. Younger demography control the content of their media content using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube comments (McDougall, 2013). The producers understand general sentiments, requirements of the younger consumers. Social media has given the consumers more autonomy of the content of media.There has been an increase in fan communities and counter representation of media content by zealots.
This has enabled producers to gain free advertising of their media content and wider brand recognition. This has caused the audiences in the social media to feel a synergy with their local social conformities and also enabled the media content to be more relatable. This cost of free advertisements is very low for the producers. This emergence of fan communities and media content reaching a wide segment of audience has become feasible owing to social media. Ancillary to this development there has been increase of cyber celebrities and bloggers in relation to the media content. These fan communities, bloggers and cyber celebrities play an important role in shaping media content (Bury et al., 2013). These people are not limited to representation of the audience in any one sector. They are seen to be present in all sectors that media covers in a society. These people are not typical active audiences that are described in the Use and Gratification theory or Reflection theory. They have a differential relationship with the producers and in many cases they serve as representatives of the views of their demography.



