


当前环境下的营销面临着很多的动荡(Helfat et al., 2009)。市场上的技术进步造成了这种动荡,消费者的需求、较新的法规等方面也发生了变化。主要竞争优势的代表不再有效。在这些动态变化的背景下,一些营销实践可能会变得过时或多余。因此,营销人员不得不重新考虑他们对动荡市场做出有效反应的能力。再一次,焦点落在重新思考能力上。通过重新思考能力,组织将能够以更好的方式应对动荡的市场需求(Dreyer和Gronhaug, 2004)

需要解决动荡的市场营销需求或不同的市场营销需求并不是什么新东西。这些是Porter(1990)提出的竞争优势定义的一部分。当地市场的差异、消费者的期望、市场因素和制度等因素对提高营销能力的需求有很大的影响。过去,许多公司只是简单地复制了他们的一些能力,并错误地将其应用于实际情况。例如雀巢在发展中国家的婴儿配方奶粉产品采用了发达国家的营销方式(Hartley, 1989)。这是开发资产和能力的常见例子,使它们在一种情况下具有竞争优势,但在另一种情况下则完全是灾难。公司需要评估和筛选他们的能力,并了解在新环境下的营销。在开发能力时,他们必须专注于战略、程序和组织要素。

Marketing in current environment faces much turbulence (Helfat et al., 2009). The turbulence is created by technological advances in the market, and changes exist with respect to consumer demand, newer regulations and more. The representation of primary competitive advantages can no longer be effective. Some marketing practices can become obsolete or redundant in the context of these dynamic changes. Marketers hence are forced to rethink their ability to respond efficiently to the turbulent market. Once again, the focus falls on rethinking capabilities. By rethinking capabilities, organizations would be able to respond to turbulent marketing needs in a better manner (Dreyer and Gronhaug, 2004)

The need to address turbulent marketing needs or different marketing needs is nothing new. These are part of the defined competitive advantages that Porter (1990) had presented. Differences in the local market, consumer expectations, market factors and institutions play a strong role in setting demands for improving marketing capabilities. Many firms in the past have simply replicated some of their capabilities and applied them wrongly to circumstances. For instance, Nestle made use of developed country marketing method for its infant formula product in developing nations (Hartley, 1989). This is a common example of developing assets and abilities such that they are capabilities of competitive advantage in one situation, but are a total disaster in another. Firms need to assess and screen their capabilities and understand marketing in the context of new environments. They have to concentrate on strategic, procedural, and organizational elements when developing their capabilities.




