


上面的图片被称为“城市噪音”,形成了1930年纽约市噪音消减委员会的报告。它用机械技术展示了不可抗拒的声音斗篷。为了避免爆发疾病,为了改善过度拥挤的地区和消除工业污染(Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004),进行了噪音改革计划。20世纪20年代的科学家有能力用电声仪器(Grueneisen, 2003)来测定噪音。因此,随着该工具的发明,降低噪声干扰的期望也增加了。通过在内部添加声学应用,解决了这一问题。因此,声音和听觉一直是建筑中非常重要的元素。其中一个令人兴奋的听觉体验可能是“安静”(Grueneisen, 2003)。

寂静也被用来在建筑中形成伟大的氛围(Grueneisen, 2003)。例如,Daniel Libeskind设计的犹太博物馆也有同样的经历。他在博物馆里设计了几个房间,安装了不同的设备。在一个房间里,铜板放置在有人脸形状的地面上。那声音,回荡在高高的墙壁上,充满了整个房间。这个装置也是纪念大屠杀的备忘录。声音的回声是通过这样一种方式创造出来的,来创造那些遭受痛苦的人的体验。这也创造了一个令人毛骨悚然的环境,简单的戏剧程序(Grueneisen, 2003)。


The above image is called as “City Noise” form the report of Noise Abatement Commission of New York City from the year 1930. It displays the irresistible sounds cape with mechanical technology. The noise reform program was conducted in order to avoid the outbreak disease to improve the overcrowded areas and remove the industrial pollution (Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004). The scientists in 1920’s had the capability to determine noise with electro acoustical instruments (Grueneisen, 2003). Thus, with the invention of this tool, the expectations to reduce noise disturbances have increased. Thus this problem is resolved by adding acoustical application in the interiors. Thus, sound and hearing have been very important element in architecture. One of the exiting auditory experiences could be “tranquillity”(Grueneisen, 2003).

Silence is also used in forming great atmosphere in architecture (Grueneisen, 2003). For example, the design of Jewish Museum by Daniel Libeskind is working on the same experience. He had designed several rooms in the museum, which are installed with different equipments. In one room, the copper plates are placed on the grounds that have shapes of faces. The voice, which is echoed by the high walls, fills the complete room. This installation is also a memoire in the memory of the holocaust. The echo of the sound is created in such a way to create experience of the individuals who had to suffer. This also creates a creepy environment with simple dramatic procedure (Grueneisen, 2003).



