


金属纳米团簇的结构是独特的。它们不同于它们的散装货。一般来说,金属的性质被发现可以在散金属中去除电子,然后根据电导率和导热性、延性和光反射率进行合并。这些被发现完全或部分地存在于金属纳米团中。它们被发现具有独特的结构,并使它们获得更新的属性。过渡金属和贱金属是使用的两种金属纳米团簇(Wilcoxon & Abrams, 2006)。一些过渡金属是Au, Pt和贱金属是Fe, Co或Ni。它们被发现具有独特的光学或催化过程。

这些创建了具有更新属性的纳米集群。有许多方法用于开发纳米集群。其中一个新方法是使用基于DNA的方法。在这一过程中,DNA纳米结构被排列成包含银(Ag)、金(Au)纳米团簇的荧光金属纳米团(NCs)。这些被发现用来创建一个新的类,称为荧光团。这些都是基于其独特的电子结构而获得更多的关注。然后将它们与DNA序列(如稳定剂)混合,生成更多的生物传感器。这些被发现在成像和催化性能方面很有用(Johnston & Wilcoxon, 2012)。基于DNA的共轭和建模是一种较新的方法。事实上,纳米团的完全潜力尚未得到利用。


The structure of the metal nanoclusters is unique. They are different from their bulk counterparts. In general, metallic properties are found to delocalize the electrons in bulk metals and then merge based on the electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility, and light reflectivity. These are found to be wholly or partially present in the metal nanoclusters. They are found to have unique structures and cause them to gain newer properties. Transition metals and base metals are the two kinds of metallic nanoclusters that are used (Wilcoxon & Abrams, 2006). Some of the transition metals are Au, Pt and Base metals are Fe, Co or Ni. They are found to have unique optical or catalytic processes.

These create nanoclusters with newer properties. There are many methods that are adopted to develop nanoclusters. One of the novel approaches is using the DNA based method. In this, the DNA nanostructures are arranged as fluorescent metal nanoclusters (NCs) that encompasse silver (Ag), gold (Au) nanoclusters. These are found to create a newer class known as the fluorophore. These are found to gain more attention based on their unique electronic structured. These are then blended with the DNA sequences such as the stabilizing agent and generate a larger number of biosensors. These are found to be useful in the imaging and catalytic properties (Johnston & Wilcoxon, 2012). DNA based conjugation and modelling is one of the newer methods. In reality, the complete potential of the nanoclusters is yet to be harnessed.



