




Certain activities such as chamfers, rebates, throats and groves will be group together for 2500mm2 sectional areas. The formwork to narrow widths that is less than 300m wide will be together grouped plus described to given edges and breaks of opening, slabs and walls. Other activities given significance are tunnel linings, abutments and bridge decks, staircases such as strings, risers and treads, sides of isolated columns, soffits and sides of sloping beams, sides and returns of walls, sides of foundation, sloping of foundation and sloping soffits.

As per CMM, prices for formwork comprises of forming all types of minor penetrations up to give 25 m area, formation up t2500mm sectional area, supports and linings that remain left in position, strutting generally left after removal of forms, striking and perfect removal, mould oil, wetting and easing, temporary inspection opening, the task of cutting all those projecting such as hanger, straps, bolts and bars in ant given situations and circumstances. There are also certain activities that are covered such as forming chambers other than given design chambers, forming of splayed internal angles, moulded and rounded externals, chamfered and splayed in a simple manner. Other tasks includes all supports, drilling, bolts, wedges, spacers, braces, soles, struts, lies, boarding and framing (Cronin, Jeff, 2005).

The rules and regulation of measurement and its related pricing differs as per the given activities and tasks of construction work that is planned to be executed with a lot of perfection. The methods of measurement under certain accepted methods are largely accepted by the workers and contractors in any given situation and circumstances. It is to be remembered that these methods of measurement and pricing are largely accepted by both the parties involved in it so that there is good understanding and cooperation plus coordination in the allotted tasks and activities.



