


财产保险合同通常是模棱两可的,合同的订立方式通常是为了给保险公司提供逃跑的机会。关心财产损失的个人购买财产保险,以减少意外事故的发生和财产损失。然而,在索赔时,我们发现保险合同中存在一些有利于保险公司的条款,这些条款支持保险公司逃避赔付保险索赔(Nyce & Maroney, 2011)。保险被认为是管理风险的一种重要方式,它可以使资产和财产免遭可能的货币损失。此外,出于这一目的,打算保护其财产不受潜在金融风险影响的个人必须购买财产保险,以换取被称为保险费的某些费用。

这样,风险就从一个实体转移到另一个实体。有各种各样的保险,涵盖不同的资产。财产保险包括或者保护财产不受自然灾害或者犯罪活动对财产造成的风险的影响。财产保险一般被称为保单,是指在实体或个人之间,投保人以定期分期付款的形式支付保险费的一种独特的合同形式。作为回报,投保人从保险公司获得财务保护或赔偿损失(Gatzert, Pokutta & Vogl, 2017)。


The property insurance contracts are usually ambiguous, and contracts are generally made in the ways that provide chances for escaping to the insurance companies. The individuals who concerned about the monetary losses from their properties use to buy property insurance in order minimize the losses if any accident occurs and damage their properties. However, at the time of claim, it is observed that there are several clauses existed in the insurance contracts in favor of the insurance companies, which support the companies to escape from paying the payment of insurance claims (Nyce & Maroney, 2011).The insurance is considered as an important way of managing risk and saves assets and properties against possible monetary losses. Moreover, for this purpose, an individual who intends to protect his/her property from the potential financial risk has to buy property insurance in exchange for certain fees known as premium.

In this way, the risk is shifted from one entity to another entity. There are various types of insurances, which cover different assets. The property insurance covers or protects the property against the risks to the property, which would be occurred from natural disasters or the criminal activities. Property insurance generally known as policy is a unique form of contract between an entity or individual whereby the policyholder makes payment in the shape of premium in regular installments. In return, the policyholder gets financial protection or reimbursement against the losses from the insurer (Gatzert, Pokutta & Vogl, 2017).



