


技能培训是整个培训和发展活动的一部分。因此,培训计划应该包含知识发展和个人发展的元素。它寻求一个人在技术开发过程中发现兴趣和知识发展的源泉。T&D计划使业务人员更有能力应对不断变化的市场场景,并实施所需的技能开发计划,这不仅是领导力开发过程,也是业务能力开发过程。它还建议,个人照顾每一个参与者的培训计划必须采取。这为学习和个人发展提供了一个更大的竞技场,扩大了传统工作技能和知识领域之外的人的发展范围。这对个体产生了积极的影响,使训练更加刺激、自由,并在参与者中产生激励的机会(Chanda and Shen, 2012)。

快速变化的世界要求将技能开发作为业务中的一个持续过程。因此,促进it是一种战略技能,它不仅能提高技能和积极性,而且能使一个人融入到过程中,获得技能的全面发展。不同的组织都有这样的主动性,像“人力资本开发”、“学习与发展”这样的名字,都是以人力技能和动力开发为目的的。然而,英国特许人事发展协会(CPID)认为,人力资源开发唤起了人或雇主雇员之间的主从关系。因此,它建议把商界人士称为合作伙伴和伙伴,让他们感到更自在。因此,CPID建议将这个过程称为学习和发展,然而,大多数组织将这个过程称为培训和发展(Layng, 2012)。


Skill training is a part of the entire training and development activities. Therefore, the training program should have the elements of knowledge development and personal development as a part of it. It seeks that a person finds interest and a source of knowledge development in the T&D processes. The T&D initiatives makes the people in business more competent to deal with the changing market scenarios and implement the needed skill development programmes that is not only a leadership development process but also a competency development process for the business. It is also suggested that individual care for each of the participant in the training program has to be taken. This gives enabled learning and personal development a bigger playing field, which extends the range of development for people outside the realm of traditional work skill and knowledge. This has a positive effect on the individual which makes the training more exciting, liberating and generates opportunities of motivation among the participants (Chanda and Shen, 2012).

The fast changing world demands skill development as a continuous process within the business. Thus facilitating it is a strategic skill which would not only enhance skills and motivation, but also enable a person to integrate themselves into the process and gain a wholesome development of skills. Various organizations give such initiative, various names like “Human Capital Development”, “Learning and Development” like names which aim at manpower skill and motivation development. However, in the view of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CPID) argues that the Human Resource development evokes a master-slave relationship between people or employer employees. Hence it recommends that the people in business be called as partner and associates to make them feel more at home. Thus, CPID suggests the process to be called learning and development, however, the most organization refers this process as Training and Development (Layng, 2012).



