





Canada is a country of immigrants. A large part of Canadian population is that of people who have come from different culture and origin. The population of Canada is divided in many different factors such as, multiculturalism, geographic distribution and class and socioeconomic status. The educational inequality in Canadian schooling system is a problem that influences students’ motivation in pursuing higher level of education. It also affects Canada’s social mobility and development. Davies and Guppy (2010) have discussed the inequality and opportunity in education which are indicated by student attainments at school. They also introduce that there are many different causes of inequality in school such as social class, socioeconomic status, race and gender, etc. The educational inequality affects students’ performance or attainments at school. In the country like Canada, the causes of educational inequality can be complicated and probably bring various outcomes on students.

Many sociological researches have shown the relationship between dropout rate and factors like social class and socioeconomic status, and the argument on how schooling is related to social mobility is another popular topic. The socioeconomic status and class demonstrate that students’ motivation at school is highly related with educational inequality. This research will focus on how education inequality is related to students’ motivation in Canada. Canada is the land of opportunities thus social mobility is relatively high then other countries. However, educational inequality is still a barrier that affects Canada’s development from the perspective that inequality would lower students’ performance and their motivation in studying. These rises my interests in how students’ motivation is affected, why some of the students from marginalized groups chose to drop out of school but some of them study harder to pursue higher academic achievement.



