


不幸的是,凯恩斯主义政府为中心的复苏计划、政府强加的贸易保护主义以及美联储的克制等因素的组合,导致了大萧条。第二次世界大战的结束为美国打开了国际贸易渠道,也帮助扭转了工资和价格控制。1929年股票市场崩盘:1929年10月29日的黑色星期二发生的股票市场崩盘的结果和大萧条的主要原因之一被许多美国人相信。股东在10月份的股灾后面临超过400亿美元的损失(Saint-Etienne, Christian, 2013)。到1930年底,美国股市开始收复失地,但这并不足以弥补美国经济所面临的损失,这导致美国进入了“大萧条”的局面。银行倒闭:20世纪30年代,9000多家银行经营失败,并在大萧条中发挥了一定作用。由于银行的倒闭,银行里的存款没有保险,导致人们的储蓄损失,因此他们失去了对银行的信任。



The unlucky combination of factors like a Keynesian government-centered recovery plans, protectionist traffic imposed by the government and the restrained Fed resulted in the Great Depression. The end of World War II opened the international trading channels for the United States and also helped in reversing the wages and price controls. 1929 Stock market crash: The occurrence of stock market crash on the black Tuesday of 29th October, 1929 resulted and one of the major causes of the Great Depression is believed by many Americans. Stockholders after a crash in October faced a loss of more than $40 billion dollars (Saint-Etienne, Christian, 2013). By the end of 1930, the stock market of U.S. started regaining its losses but this was not enough to recover the losses faced by the economy of U.S. and this led the United States enter into the situation termed “The Great Depression”. Failures of the banks: During 1930s, more than 9000 banks failed in their operations and contributed in the Great Depression. Due to the failure faced by banks, the deposits in the banks became uninsured and this resulted in the loss of savings of people and therefore they lost trust on banks.

The remaining surviving banks were not sure about the economic situation of the country and they were concerned about their own survival and because of that they stopped creating new loans. This worsens the situation of Great Depression and led to low or no expenditures from the customers. Reduced purchasing across the board: The individuals of various classes due to the fears of economic sadness and distrust and the crash of the stock market stopped their spending and purchasing of new items. This further resulted in the fall of the number of items produced by the companies that also reduced the amount of workforce needed in the companies. Due to the less demand of the workforce, people started losing their jobs and were not able to keep up their paying capacity for the items purchased by them. Individuals even lost the items they purchased on installments as they were unable to pay the installments and due to which their items were repossessed by the banks. Due to all this, more and more inventory started accumulating. An increase of 25% was observed in the rate of unemployment in the country that simply means less spending with no contribution in alleviating the economic situation.



