

本文的主要内容讲米尔格拉姆实验,合规研究如米尔格拉姆实验Dolinski et al .(2017)提出的基于合规会被迫的观点,那么它可能对一些人的权威强加于另一个事物或行为的方式,他们通常不会做的事情。斯坦利·米尔格拉姆的实验强调了人们对权威的反应,以及他们是如何参与大屠杀等暴行的。志愿者们被告知他们正在参加科学研究,进行记忆力测试,当参与者给出错误答案时,他们应该加大对参与者的电击。本篇曼彻斯特论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Compliance studies such as the Milgram’s experiment presented by Dolinski et al. (2017) are based on the idea that where compliance could be forced, then it would be possible for some person of authority to impose on another to do things or act in ways that they would not normally do. The Stanley Milgram’s experiment highlighted how people respond to authority, and how they could have participated in atrocities such as the holocaust. The volunteers were told they were taking part in scientific research for memory examination and when participants give a wrong answer, they are supposed to increase the electric shock to participant.
Although the learner was an actor and the shock was harmless, the study reveals that around 2/3 of volunteers were ready to deliver the electric shock (Milgram, 1963). This was a typical destructive obedience study that was set the bar in compliance and obedience studies. When the naïve participant S is asked to deliver a shock, the participant is observed to be subject to enormous stress even as they obeyed the commands. Extreme levels in nervous tension was generated and some exhibited signs of nervous laughter and other emotional disturbances too (Milgram, 1963).
While Stanley’s experiment was conducted more than 50 years back, the research implications that the work has for modern researchers are still good. Researchers have wanted to replicate the studies of Stanley Milgram and many have done so, which by Dolinski et al (2017). Dolinski et al. (2017) in their research want to understand whether controlling the sex of the participants and the learners will have any amount of change in the way participants showed compliance and obedience. It was identified in the study that a change in sex did not have any effect and the results clearly indicated a compliance and obedience level similar to the original Milgram studies. Replication studies hence show that even after more than 50 years, it was possible that authority could generate some amount of compliance and obedience, however unmeaningful and destructive, it was on another.




