


Naomi (2001) also presents how development in Warcraft military equipment during the Second World War led to deeper knowledge on the earth’s gravitational and magnetic anomalies. These were significant contributions as they were not discussed in such detail previously. Magnetic anomalies were studied by researchers Raff and Mason in the year 1956. The Vine-Matthew Hypothesis also was important component identification significant in the creation of the Plate Tectonics.
The World Wars also presented a broader area for study in the form of exploration based research that was conducted purely for the purpose of the military. Before the Second World War, much of the focus on earth science was seen to be based on the continental sciences. Continental drifts and knowledge on the same changed how the earth ocean floor was perceived. The Second World War led to much vaster exploration of the ocean than ever before. This was a time that where there was a rather rapid push when it came to knowing oceans and ocean movements. A number of oceanographers were recruited by the army around this time. The oceanographers were finances, which led to the initiation of a systematic exploration of oceans.
Much of the long-term changes happened in the case of the Earth. And the ocean forms were not understood well before the world wars. The World was a starting point to learning about the features of the ocean floor which previously researchers had assumed to be flat and even unchanging. Previously scientists believed that oceans were where the sediment erosions from land filled up. The World war rapidly introduced the use of much more complex systems of measurement and knowledge making. Matthew Fontaine Maury of the Navy, with the use of canon ball soundings was able to identify a plateau. The plateau in the North Atlantic was previously unmarked (Marie, 1999). On a similar note, barriers and temperature measurements were identified to lead to a better knowledge of both the short term and long term changes.




