
代寫論文 價格-照片的評論

本文主要講述的是照片的評論,有人猜測,昆士蘭的預算將處於危險之中,因為氣旋的破壞在一定程度上是無法確定的(布里斯班時報,2017)。這種由人類行為和影響造成的自然災害的代價與照片的意圖有很好的關係,照片的目的是提高人們對情況的認識,並對自己的決定負責。這張照片很好地呼籲人們對當局提出質疑,因為即使不制止加劇氣旋形成的行為,當局也有可能破壞氣旋形成的可能性。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

There are speculations that the Queensland budget would be in jeopardy since the cyclone damage is unascertainable to an extent (Brisbane Times, 2017). The cost of such natural disaster caused by human actions and influence relates well with the intent of the photo, which is to raise the awareness of the situation and take charge of one’s decisions. The photo makes a good appeal in raising questions against the authorities that tend to undermine the possibilities of a cyclone even when not curbing practices that aggravate the formation of a cyclone.
There are all kinds of analysis pouring down after the cyclone Debbie hits Brisbane, one of which says that converting giant skyscrapers into basis could reduce the extent of damage and avoid massive recuperating costs (Lambert, 2017). These kinds of questions become obvious after analysing the photo pictured. The observing mind starts to think of permanent solutions and starts to delve into the reasons of such an event. The photo raises this very clearly that solutions become more thinkable and conceivable when a problem is crystal clear in the form of a picture.
As per the photographic theory of “negative space”, the photo can arouse a sense of concern and attract only or mostly the critical mind and the negative mode of thinking (Smith, 2015). This photo prepares the observer to search the negative reflected in the photo directly, and also to understand the reasons of such an event. One another theory of photography speaks about the grandeur with which the natural calamities are photographed, such that the disaster is so amplified through pictures that they seem irredeemable by the best of interventions (Hamilton et al., 2014). This particular theory applies scarcely to the photograph because the damage shown is not too amplified to seem irrecoverable by even a reasonable intervention.
The photo taken by the journalist is minimalistic in the event of such a massive cyclone. The photo seeks to raise many questions about the negative influence of human actions on climate change and the subsequent impact of various kinds of natural disasters. However, the photo just observed without any extra information does not really appeal to the critical mind to assess the situation beyond the scope of the photo. This makes the photo not wholly ‘unnecessary’ but it definitely misses the core that must appeal the viewers which raises the right questions.



