

代写论文价格:中国经济概览。中国经济增长继续遵循温和趋势,2014年GDP增长7.4%,指示性增长目标约为7.5%。这与中国的年增长率相比相当缓慢,中国自过去30年以来的年增长率为10% (Shambaugh, 2016)。房地产行业反映出了减少不匹配供应、收紧持续拖累经济活动的非支持信贷的政策努力。房地产业的持续调整趋势、过剩产能的建立、出口增长的减速都对整体工业绩效产生了显著影响。另一方面,服务业强劲增长,构成了增长的持续改善。从中期和短期的看法来看,中国经济增长放缓是可取的,也是可以预期的。接下来英国论文代写专家将为同学们分析下中国经济。

在短期内,可以反映出减缓信贷快速增长的政策,包括影子银行,限制地方政府的借贷,减少整个行业的额外产能(Hsieh和Ossa, 2016)。这些政策一直在应对2008年全球金融危机后形成的脆弱性。从中期看,随着中国经济增长方式逐步从制造业、出口、消费、投资、服务业转向国内支出,中国经济增速将持续放缓。作为衡量未偿还信贷的一个主要方面,不断增长的融资总额继续减速。这一特定趋势反映了政府收紧银行间和信托资产监管的举措(Liu等人,2016)。为此应核查政府和公司信贷的需求,并在投资者中建立对风险的认识。


The reduced growth of China is desirable and expected from mid-term and short-term perceptions. In the short run, there can be reflection of policies for slowing rapid growth in credit, consisting shadow banking, limiting borrow of local governments, and reducing additional capacity across the industry (Hsieh and Ossa, 2016). The policies have been addressing vulnerability established after the global financial crisis of 2008. In the mid-run, there is consistent lower growth with the gradually shifting growth model of China, from manufacturing, exports, consumption, investment, services to domestic spending. As a major aspect measure outstanding credit, there is continuous deceleration in the growing aggregate financing. This particular trend is reflecting the moves of the government for tightening regulations over interbank and trust assets (Liu et al., 2016). This should be supported by checking the demand of government and corporate credit, and the establishing awareness of risks among investors.

The issue of new debt for financing new projects has started to fall as guidelines were introduced by authorities for managing the debt of local government. This tightened policy is offset partially by a number of limited and targeted measures of stimulus for the prevention of slowed down growth. Deleveraging economy and maintaining growth necessitates the allocation of credit in a better manner. This further requires reforms for the financial section (Loredana and Florentina, 2017). China is tempering its total growth of credit though there is still establishment of the leverage. The financial system of China was established for serving the old model of investment driven growth, effective in the initial phases. Therefore, reforms should be enabling the system of finance for reallocation of credit across sectors.





