


在这篇文章中,我想分析雀巢最新轰动的营销消息,雇用成千上万的机器人在日本销售咖啡机。文章“雀巢采用机器人舰队在日本卖咖啡机已发表在12月1日版的守护者,已经在东京的法新社写。名叫佩珀的机器人机器人给了乔治克鲁尼一笔钱。老美国的演员已在Nespresso咖啡品牌的全球大使已被机器人所取代,佩珀的人聊天,回答消费者的问题。活泼的机器人叫Kyoko Unchida,一个日本电视名人的各种问题如他如果是享受咖啡,然后大开眼界咖啡或餐后咖啡在发射前的事件出现在东京。


In this essay, I would like to analyse the latest sensational marketing news of Nestle hiring thousands of robots to sell their coffee machines in Japan. The article “Nestle employs fleet of robots to sell coffee machines in Japan” has been published on 1st December‘s edition of the Guardian and has been written by Agence France-Presse in Tokyo. The android robot named Pepper has given George Clooney a run for his money. The veteran US actor who has been the global ambassador of the Nespresso brand has now been replaced by the humanoid robot, Pepper who chats and answers the questions of the consumers. The chirpy robot has asked Kyoko Unchida, a Japanese TV celebrity various questions such as did he enjoy coffee and if yes, then an eye-opener coffee or a post meal coffee in the pre-launch event appear in Tokyo.
The robot is 120 cm tall. It has a face like humans which is placed on the top of a white plastic body. It has rollers and a tablet computer stuck on his chest. The technology has been devised by Aldebaran, the French arm of Softbank which specialises in humanoid robots. The company claims that the robot can understand 80% of the human conversations due to its artificial intelligence which has been programmed in a way that it has facilitated its ability to interact by listening to what the customers have to say. Pepper would be used to collect consumer’s opinions. Nestle claims that the robots would help discover the needs of the consumers through the conversations between Pepper and the customers. Pepper looks smart in a black vest and bow tie comes to office to sell coffee machines for Nestle Japan Ltd. Pepper can greet the customers and show off his sales skills. It can help the customer to choose the perfect machine. Hence, it’s a talkative robot with a cute and smart sense of humour. Pepper is capable of more personal interactions such as paying games and questioning customers.
Nestle is attaching great value to the collaboration of Softbank with Nestle and is viewing it as an opportunity to bring about a new type of innovation. Nestle is striving towards actualizing a futuristic experience by utilizing Pepper, an example of the technology of future (Killoran, 2009).



