


新的市场准入可以被称为公司扩张业务的方法。进入模式可以称为一种结构协议,允许企业在东道国市场实施产品市场战略。这既可以通过出口的方式进行营销操作,也可以以某种方式进行营销和生产操作。新的市场准入可能是在产品扩张方面,也可能是在地理扩张方面,或者是在两个方面(Casillas和Mereno-Menendez, 2014)。任何具体的扩展都应该与一个组织渗透一个产品的市场相关,而这个产品在之前的经验中与这些产品一起工作的时候是不为人所知的。

国际市场的扩张是公司发展的一个巨大的途径。有许多证据证明了全球战略的应用和国际化的意愿,以获得金融和竞争优势。这说明,如果组织作出正确的决定,一个组织可以选择在国际市场进入的工作,作为一种成长和获得高度成功的方法。正如许多研究人员所指出的,在进入市场之前,一个组织应该对新市场平台的未来和现在的潜力进行预测(Oseh, 2013)。事实上,任何企业都应该非常认真地分析未来的利润,并精确地确保考虑到可能导致进入和影响被质疑公司的因素。


New market entry can be referred as an approach of a company for expansion of the business. Entry mode can be referred as a structural agreement allowing a business with the implementation of product market strategy in a host market. This is done either by the conduct of marketing operations through modes of export, or both, marketing and production operations in some way. New market entry can be possible either in terms of product expansion or in terms of geographical expansion or both (Casillas and Mereno-Menéndez, 2014). Any specific expansion should be related to an organization penetrating a market of product that was previously unknown for the organization while working with such products in the previous experience.


Expansion in international market is a tremendous approach for the growth of a company. There are a number of evidences proving the application of global strategy and willingness of internationalization for gaining financial and competitive advantages. This depicts that an organization could make a choice of work for international market entry as an approach of growing and being highly successful if the right decisions are taken by the organization. As identified by various researchers, an organization should be counting upon both future and present potential of the new market platform prior to any decision made while entering the market (Oseh, 2013). As a matter of fact, any business should be analysing future profit very seriously and precisely ensuring the consideration of forces that may end up complicating the entry and affecting the questioned firm.




